Next Demo CSS

Posted 22 days, 13 hours ago by Pinky

Who gets a demo?

28 Votes Hold
45 Votes Panels
38 Votes Sideblock
36 Votes I just wanna see poll results

Demo CSS is like this:

It's a smaller/limited version of a larger CSS.

Who gets a demo version next...

In other news, I'm leaving tomorrow and will be out of town until the 18th! Imma be on a 13 hour flight so if the wifi is good i'll make a little demo css during the trip to pass the time (~o o)~
During my trip I will have access to the internet but also will be busy so don't plan to check in much, I can't imagine there will be any pressing coding emergencies but just a heads up replies will be slow.
also before I go I have a new collab HTML and solo profile I am gonna try to release today so... might be updates later tonight

Hope everyone is having a good week ;u;/


oh no i really wanted a demo for sideblock lol, but panels is great too!!

is it only for premium users?

yes, premium css layouts will only work for premium users

Ok, ty