Hello, this is an extreme emergency scenario that I really never ever wanted to come across but my cat is declining rapidly. I need help. He has a urinary issue that’s popped up twice but it’s never been like this.

custom designs are $250 including a ref like this, fully custom, I will be marathoning all of this over the next week I just need to get him help like now and all my money is tied up in moving.

simple refs of an existing character are $100

standard refs of an existing character are $170

im not asking for any handouts at all but if you have anything to spare my kofi is here

I’m very sorry to this while already behind and with my carpal tunnel drawing has been slow, but I’ll quicken up the pace for as long as I need to to get work out asap. I never wanted to do this again. he is all I have.


Hello all! I will just tldr my tumblr update here — I simply have a headache at the moment

He’s home! We’re not out of the woods yet but he’s at home resting now, and luckily his bladder was just inflamed not fully blocked, so it was more affordable than expected. This is great for if god forbid we have to go back to the vet, I hopefully won’t need to take on anymore work. Thank you so much to everyone who helped me today.

My trello will be updated with everyone’s new commissions in queue. I’ll be taking a new approach to get everything done on time, and will resume WIP uploads

I’m thinking of a good way to give back. Poll for the giveaway will be up tomorrow! My priority is getting comms situated first 🤞 Once again, thank you so much

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Sending you and Ozzy my deepest wishes!! I hope all turns out well for your sweet fur baby. ;;
If you still have open slots, I would be happy to nab a simple ref of this character, I think they would turn out wonderful in your style.
I am freely open to being DMed or exchanging Discord as you're comfortable for contact + details! Take your time, and best of luck.

Heyo I’m so sorry to reply so late, my phone died at the vet!! I received all the funding needed, my kitty is okay! I LOOVE oceanic designs and would love to take a swing at this character, they’re so cool! Could I offer a voucher for my next opening at the same price?

Yes, of course, absolutely!!!
I'm so thrilled you got everything you needed and your kiddo is good. <3 That's a relief.
I would be very down to accept a voucher for that, sure! :D Feel free to ping anytime. Def no rush of course!

Sending best wishes your way. This sounds like an incredibly stressful time.

If you still are still taking these, I'd love a simple ref of this character (https://toyhou.se/16467850.whistlefox-shrike) -- I can send payment to your ko-fi immediately upon confirmation, as well as follow-up messages with more details. Thank you very much 💕

Hello, apologies for my late reply, my phone died at the vet but I ended up getting all the funding needed and then some!! ;v; this is such a cool character though and I’d love to draw them at some point, could I offer you a voucher for the next opening at the same price? :3

I'm so glad to hear all is well!!! Sending much love your kitty's way and I hope the move goes smoothly from here on out!

I'll happily take a voucher, yes! How do those work for you?

I’m super happy to see that he’s feeling a lot better now with all the stressful stuff out of the way!

Apologies for my late reply aaa but I’ll message you before posting an official opening bulletin to give you first dibs on the slots!

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Thank you!! He is home, and he’s looking visibly better. I got him some painkillers and prescription food, he’s vibing :’3

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Oh gosh, I hope your cats okay :(

Can't contribute right this instant but I'll be sure to donate to your kofi a soon as I can!

Your support is worth just as much to me, thank you ;v; I hope that he will be ok!

Now that I have a moment to sit and explain, Ozzy had a urinary blockage before about 6 years ago. This was while moving too. So thinking it has something to do with stress. I arrived in a tough spot where all the vets were on lunch, so he’s under observation right now until the appointment at 3. I was told he’s alert and that they’d call me if anything serious goes down, but he’s there until then. I just hope that he’s ok, he really is all I have that resembles family and idk what I’d do without him

That sounds so scary, I’m so sorry you both have to go through this! His well being and a quick recovery will be in my thoughts ❤️

I’d like to get a simple ref of one of your earlier designs if that’s still an option! https://toyhou.se/17275978.waning-crescent

omg omg I’d LOVE to revisit this design, absolutely!! Thank you so much for the well wishes I do hope he’s ok ;v; send me a message with all the specifics when you can!

I'm happy to help anyway I can! I hope you get some good news soon!

I'll send the info after my classes! c:

i'm so sorry to hear about your cat, emergencies like this are brutal :[

if at all possible, i'd love a simple ref of https://toyhou.se/22647410.manta#76945157 if that helps at all q_q ill also be donating to your kofi shortly, i know how hard pet emergencies can be

Got you, totally! What a beautiful character, I hope to do them justice! Thank you so much for helping me out!!

of course! just let me know when and where to pay and i'll do that asap <3 i really sincerely hope things work out for you and your cat!

Bless, thank you so much!! For payment my kofi is linked here, or you can directly send to my PayPal, I’ll dm you the email address if so! ^^


paid, thank you so much!

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aaah I would love to do one for you!! Shoot me a message with the details when you’re able! :3

I lost my cat of 23 years to kidney issues, I understand your pain, I will boost these and donate to your ko-fi. I'm so sorry ❤️

I’m so sorry. :( it is such a horrible thing to see your cat sick. Ive just gotten him to the vet and will update as soon as I know anything. Thank you so much for your kindness 

Hey there, if these are still open, is there any way I could claim a custom slot? Very sorry to hear about your cat, if these aren’t open I’d still at least like to contribute to the ko-fi!

Absolutely, I would love to do a custom for ya! Inbox me with all the details you’d like, completion will be for this upcoming week!

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Bless you peachy truly, thank you so much for helping ❤️