ok im probably not gona delete toyhouse

Posted 26 days, 12 hours ago by krisp

Ok guys im proly not gona delete toyhouse i think i woll just wait until i get a new bank account a new place and then i willl maybe take comms and monitor my account very closely but for now ill just do the comms i have now to the best of my abilities thank u so much for ur understanding especially people who haveee commissioned me


I’m glad you’re not deleting Toyhouse (I luv your art/designs and talking to you) again I’m so sorry this all happened and honestly it’s not fair one bit but hopefully you can start fresh without ever having to worry about something like this happening ever again

araygjh hi thank you i really hope i can, im opening up a new bank account next week and might be able to set everything up where that fee nonsense never happens again hopefully

I sure hope so, it sucks that it had to be you of all people to go through something as absurd asthus

Sorry to hear this has happened to you. Banks can be scary, especially when you’re young/just starting out. I hope you can find the time to breathe and get your things in order, it’s never fun having so much weight on your shoulders. ;; just try to focus on one thing at a time, and things will start to get done.

If you can, look into “hassle free” bank options, I myself went with one when I was starting out. It doesn’t let you overdraft, it declines payments if it’s over the amount you have. If it’s a bill or something, you may have to pay it manually if it gets declined. 

hihi thank you so much ug im feeling a lot better compared to tuesday,,,,,

we are definitely figuring out how to do that, im at least opening up a new bank acocunt at a different bank next week so i can pay my paypal debt, i really dont want to quit comms forever since i do really like doing them

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<333 agh