Comments on ok im probably not gona delete toyhouse All Comments

Sorry to hear this has happened to you. Banks can be scary, especially when you’re young/just starting out. I hope you can find the time to breathe and get your things in order, it’s never fun having so much weight on your shoulders. ;; just try to focus on one thing at a time, and things will start to get done.

If you can, look into “hassle free” bank options, I myself went with one when I was starting out. It doesn’t let you overdraft, it declines payments if it’s over the amount you have. If it’s a bill or something, you may have to pay it manually if it gets declined. 

hihi thank you so much ug im feeling a lot better compared to tuesday,,,,,

we are definitely figuring out how to do that, im at least opening up a new bank acocunt at a different bank next week so i can pay my paypal debt, i really dont want to quit comms forever since i do really like doing them