LF: Art Trades [Open]

Posted 1 month, 3 hours ago by MonsteraLethe

Looking to do some art trades for that sweet, sweet serotonin boost [and to claw my way out of the artblock threatening to take me]
Looking to do any amount / level of art
[Though probably like 4 like, i.e you do a headshot, I do a headshot, cause tend to find that easier]

What I'm looking for art wise:
-Couple art [platonic]
-Couple/thruple art [platonic & non-platonic]
-Memey art [think silly over exaggerated poses or referencing actual memes]
-Single art

Ocs I want art of:
[Most to least wanted]
- Entertainer
- Entertainer & Companion [platonic]
-Iban , Monstera & Tarquin [Platonic or romantic, and any mix of the three together or alone]
- Conductor
- Azalea

Also more then happy to have my ocs interacting with ur ocs for the Percy Jackson ones if that interests you



hello, I posted this and then proceeded to forget about it lol
Would you still be interested?


Shall we skitter this to discord dms for ease then?