[important] species revamp?

Posted 25 days, 19 hours ago by waspbee

what should i do (read bulletin first)

9 Votes change to full arpg (will take a while, trait system will change heavily but there will be more stuff to do)
2 Votes keep the same, but have set seasonal prompts + traits instead of new events every other month

its been uhh. A While for sure. whoops

i struggled to manage the species & just completely dropped it for a bit xd i think there's still some myos i have to approve, sorry if i forgot ill try to approve em as soon as i can

ive been thinking about what i wanna do with these guys to help with that. i wanted to make them an arpg from the start but i didn't because i thought it might be too much work for me to keep up with ; ; i might be able to deal with it now though? this would mean the entire trait system would be reworked with diff prompts to get items/traits + possibly a lot more restrictive since there are more traits, which is something i didn't really want but it'd also mean there would be way more fun stuff to draw :0 it'd also make the species more art-oriented instead of like collectibles(??) which i tried to encourage with the event prompts & gift art in the first place (nothing against more collectible-oriented cs, i just want to give people a reason to use them lol)

or alternatively, i could keep it as a regular cs & have different set prompts for every season (like the halloween event but instead of just 1 month it would be the entirety of fall for example). this would help reduce the amount of writing i have to do & give people more time for the prompts, but it wouldn't have as much fun stuff as an arpg. if i do this i may also do extra prompts occasionally to get out-of-season items or just regular items/myos

if i do end up revamping, most of the lore + anatomy stuff will probably stay the same :p


will the new trait system invalidate pre-existing designs or will they be grandfathered in

all designs created before the change will be allowed to be kept the same :D