(wip) cosmicauals's Bulletins

[important] species revamp?

Posted 1 month, 5 days ago by waspbee

what should i do (read bulletin first)

10 Votes change to full arpg (will take a while, trait system will change heavily but there will be more stuff to do)
2 Votes keep the same, but have set seasonal prompts + traits instead of new events every other month

its been uhh. A While for sure. whoops

i struggled to manage the species & just completely dropped it for a bit xd i think there's still some myos i have to approve, sorry if i forgot ill try to approve em as soon as i can

ive been thinking about what i wanna do with these guys to help with that. i wanted to make them an arpg from the start but i didn't because i thought it might be too much work for me to keep up with ; ; i might be able to deal with it now though? this would mean the entire trait system would be reworked with diff prompts to get items/traits + possibly a lot more restrictive since there are more traits, which is something i didn't really want but it'd also mean there would be way more fun stuff to draw :0 it'd also make the species more art-oriented instead of like collectibles(??) which i tried to encourage with the event prompts & gift art in the first place (nothing against more collectible-oriented cs, i just want to give people a reason to use them lol)

or alternatively, i could keep it as a regular cs & have different set prompts for every season (like the halloween event but instead of just 1 month it would be the entirety of fall for example). this would help reduce the amount of writing i have to do & give people more time for the prompts, but it wouldn't have as much fun stuff as an arpg. if i do this i may also do extra prompts occasionally to get out-of-season items or just regular items/myos

if i do end up revamping, most of the lore + anatomy stuff will probably stay the same :p

mini announcement + fto free month

Posted 7 months, 8 days ago by waspbee

for those who aren't in the discord server, shops are now open & giftart can be submitted for the species currency (entropy shards)!

also just incase you forgot/missed it, this month is fto free month meaning if you dont own a cosmicaual or myo, you can make a common cosmic or seismic for free :D

caual-loween event [open]

Posted 7 months, 13 days ago by waspbee

whoops i got super busy & uhh. forgot about these guys. again. sweats

but anyways!! (kinda late) halloween event! :D it was supposed to start at the beginning of the month but uhh... yeah

(also, a reminder that november is a fto free month! meaning anyone who doesn't own a cosmic/seismic or myo can make a common cosmic or seismic for free starting tomorrow)

(also also!!! giftart stuff & shops will be open soon >:] )

spooky things are happening, woahh! draw your cos (or npcs if you dont have one) in these prompts to earn entropy shards & cool items

every prompt can be done as many times as you want, but drawings must be a minimum of a colored halfbody! anything else is optional :] all prompts award x5 entropy shards along with the items they give

the prompts arent super specific, so go wild! as long as its related to the prompt in some way its fine

1. your cos passes by a group of what looks to be costumed creatures, but when they blink the creatures disappear?? something aint right here.. maybe you should look around for them?- rewards: x1 patchwork quilt (adds large stitched pieces, patches, button eyes, etc, &/or can turn the entire cos into a plushie. small stitching doesn't require this item. trait would be listed as "patchwork")

2. your cos encounters some kind of spooky alien monster! do they try to run away or fight it? (or.. maybe befriend/tame it???)- rewards: x1 arachnid eye (allows you to give your cos an unlimited amount of extra limbs, can affect reg. arms, void arms/legs, or both, however they still have to be placed where they normally would be. trait would just be listed as whatever extra limbs you gave them)

3. your cos is ambushed by some gross, deteriorated corpse-looking.. things. can they escape, or do they get infected too? - rewards: x1 rotted heart (turns your cos into a zombie! can add basically anything a zombie could have, eg. wounds exposing insides, rotting, stuff like that. trait would be listed as "zombified")

4. your cos spots something outside their home that looks a lot like them or someone they recognize, but something's not right... how do they react? - rewards: x1 discarded tape (adds analog horror themed things to your cos, like twisted/distorted features, weird abilities, a vhs filter, etc. trait would be listed as "distorted")

5. your cos finds a gift basket of mysterious candy addressed to them, do they take the chance & eat it? maybe something cool will happen if they do.. - rewards: x1 swirly lollipop (can add pieces or large chunks of any kind of candy, can replace parts with candy, stuff like that. trait would be listed as "candied")

if all prompts are completed, you also earn x1 common cosmic myo & x1 common seismic myo! (this can only be earned once)

comment entries under this post

(items can be used on any of your cos, not just whichever ones used for the prompt :] )

this event ends on the 25th of november