Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by CyanCybershock

- Don't guilt trip me.
- In art or customs, get it done within a year.
- I can be picky on art, please don't take it personally.
- Only offer humanoid art/trades. (Humanoid anthros can be a maybe if there's limited art and I could easily redesign to humanoid with a nose change)

My priorities right now are: Paypal > Art > Trades > Deviantart points > Customs
For designs on my trade account, you can offer just one drawing for multiple on a fair few of them, they're really easy <3





TY for reading! (Comment here, not on the characters)


Hey! It's been a while, I was still kinda curious if you were interested in doing the art still? I'd still love to offer art for these ones 

Hi! Sorry about not communicating with you! I’m still rather interested but i had three questions

1: Are you ok with me making another character with reddish hair called rusty cause i feel a little attached to that story element

2: thoughts on doing a chibi and a halfbody instead of two fullbodies?

3: what are your comfort levels with drawing praying to a fictional religion? /genq

It's okay! For your first question, I'm perfectly okay with that, I can always change the characters name when I get him. And a chibi with a half body works. I'm also okay with drawing whatever you'd like as long as it isn't nsfw  ^^

HI SORRY YEAH grbfdnmik would this character work for both drawings? if so, I'll give you the details in a second I just wanna reply but i keep forgetting so im REPLYING GRFYDHUSIJK

I'm gonna send the transfers now, Can you draw the drawings of ? (please draw his hair as the first image instead of the nicer ref I prefer it like that) and can the halfbody have him be praying (maybe also bleeding? (his blood is the violet blue on his cape) and chibi have him be holding a d8 die?

Yeah! I can do that, sorry for the wait ^^, these may take me just a little with Christmas right around the corner by the way!

its no problem, sorry i took so long to reply myself! 

Sorry this has been so long and I apologize but I don't think I'm gonna be able to finish my part and I understand if you must blacklist or anything it's extremely unprofessional on my part but I've transferred them back to you 

hey, it's no problem /gen

1 Replies 

I won't lie I really like a lot of these dudes so I was wondering if you'd take offers on them or if I'm snagging too much from you

well, that depends on your offers!

What would you be interested in art-wise? I can always offer three full bodies and a headshot to add on?

Could I ask specifics on what you'd offer for each? some are more tent than others is all :O

One full body each for Rusty, Naomi, and Piere, and I might pass up Kane for now since I have to do a lot of other artworks, but I can add on more to your liking if you wish? Fullbodies do take me longer so if you are looking for more detailed pieces and coming in quicker I can do two busts for each one. 

hi, sorry this is taking so long to respond to, I don't know how I feel about this yet still, sorry :( it's just tricky for me in a way that'd be more confusing if I explained so just,, still thinking

3 Replies

Also, will you be able to send Spencer over soon? No rush, I'm just curious

OOF so sorry about that, just been havin a wild weekend with a school play, just finished though! should be quicker to respond now

Okay, thanks! Just let me know if you ever wanna do the trade :)

This guy does intrigue me so one bust for this guy?

OOOO okay!! quick question though, would you be ok with the art done for this being used in a ruler of everything meme edit? (WITH CREDIT) just impacts which character I ask u to draw FGEDYHSUJK

I'm okay with that :) whoever you want drawn I'm cool with 

could it be of him? :] (any of the 6 eye/blush colors)

Sure! I can do him!

alright! once ur done i'll send him over :] I'll mark him as PENDING for now

3 Replies

could i buy and would you consider $15+ for ?

maybe :O (yes for 1 for sure) question though, would you be alright if I still used the in-game among us design? also by 15+, how far is that +?

yeah thats totally fine! and id be fine with going to up to $30

How about 24? (so + the one dollar one, it'd total to a clean 25 for both?)

sure i can do that!! :3 ill note you my paypal so you can send an invoice !



Would anyone here be of interest for ?

not really, thanks for offering though :]

Would you accept art instead?

i dont think so, sorry :c

Fair enough

Can I draw a little doodle for the last remaining mystery adopt here?

so sorry those r monetary payment only! ty for offering tho :)

ah word !!