Comments on TRADE HUB 4/20/21 [OUTDATED] All Comments

Hey! It's been a while, I was still kinda curious if you were interested in doing the art still? I'd still love to offer art for these ones 

Hi! Sorry about not communicating with you! I’m still rather interested but i had three questions

1: Are you ok with me making another character with reddish hair called rusty cause i feel a little attached to that story element

2: thoughts on doing a chibi and a halfbody instead of two fullbodies?

3: what are your comfort levels with drawing praying to a fictional religion? /genq

It's okay! For your first question, I'm perfectly okay with that, I can always change the characters name when I get him. And a chibi with a half body works. I'm also okay with drawing whatever you'd like as long as it isn't nsfw  ^^

HI SORRY YEAH grbfdnmik would this character work for both drawings? if so, I'll give you the details in a second I just wanna reply but i keep forgetting so im REPLYING GRFYDHUSIJK

I'm gonna send the transfers now, Can you draw the drawings of ? (please draw his hair as the first image instead of the nicer ref I prefer it like that) and can the halfbody have him be praying (maybe also bleeding? (his blood is the violet blue on his cape) and chibi have him be holding a d8 die?

Yeah! I can do that, sorry for the wait ^^, these may take me just a little with Christmas right around the corner by the way!

its no problem, sorry i took so long to reply myself! 

Sorry this has been so long and I apologize but I don't think I'm gonna be able to finish my part and I understand if you must blacklist or anything it's extremely unprofessional on my part but I've transferred them back to you 

hey, it's no problem /gen

1 Replies