I've been meaning to post this for 3 weeks, but once my grandmom passed, that just took the energy I had for anything.


But some sudden news has come following her death, and while II feel like I'm a (bit) better, I can finally say what I've wanted to say.


I've been in this community for about a year now, actually maybe a year and a half, when I think about it. And I've meet some wonderful and lovely people here! In fact, I met two of my besties this way


However, two major factors are coming into play.


The first, and most important reason, is that I need to finally push off on my own.


With my grandmother passing, I now have to set my sights on finally getting my own place. It’s been a long time coming, anyway, but housing in my state is pretty damn expensive to begin with, so I’ve always thought I would have to take it slow. But now that my grandmom is gone, I don’t honestly have a place to live forever. Thanks to my family, they’re allowing me to stay in the house she had for awhile, but it won’t be forever, and I knew I couldn’t stay here forever anyway.


So, besides what I owe people, I must stop buying adopts. Even if it’s something I like, I refuse to buy anymore unless it’s really cheap or I MUST have it, and even then I need to put real life over fiction right now.


The second, not as important reason, is  I'm getting really tired of the mentality of some of the people here, and how they act.

I get that, it's impossible to expect a lot of people in a community to act reasonable and mature at all times. No matter what site or group of people you’re involved in, drama and shitty people are just gonna happen, you can’t stop it.


And maybe it’s because I haven’t been around for years and years like some people have.


But either way!


Why has it come to this, so much greed and selfishness all for adopts?


First off, I have seen SO SO many OCs getting passed around like champagne bottles. It’s really sad. And see, I wouldn’t have so much of a issue with it if people were so upfront about it. But the thing is, they’re not. They do this thing where they post the OC up and write in the bio “OOOHHH DREAMY BABY NEVER GIVING YOU UP! <3” and what do they do a day later?


“Uh I don’t like their colors hehe, so TRADE TIME POPULAR CLOSED SPECIES ONLY!”


Like jesus christ, don’t pretend. It’s obvious you were going to trade them from the start. I myself have bought OCs but have ALWAYS been upfront with the seller/trader about if I’m gonna swap them or etc. JUST. BE. HONEST. People are so damn pretentious and in the end, the OC isn’t respected as a OC anymore, it’s just a poker chip. And the worst part, that’s probably someone’s dream design but since people only see it like a money ticket, they’ll never have a chance to get it.


Another issue I’m starting to notice is that, if someone doesn’t have a lot of CS’s, people tend to...Ignore them? And make them feel isolated?


Like..What the fuck?


Why is it suddenly a thing to where “Oh if you don’t have $500 worth of closed species, then don’t even breathe in my direction”!? That’s ridiculous, shouldn’t people just you know, bond other a common interest and no money/quantity of adopt status?


And relating to that, I’ve seen so many friendships being tested/torn apart by these damn adopts. People have actually abandoned their friends over this! Isn’t that stupid? Giving up on a friend because of what they may or may not have? And also incidents of friends going behind other’s backs and trading off adopts without telling the other, when they had a ship with them or when they knew how much the friend wanted the OC.


It’s just really gross and it makes me feel ashamed to be a person L O L


And finally, people have, and WILL use you for a adopt. It’s pretty disgusting to use a person’s feelings to try to gain something from them. I’ve seen it happen, and it just really makes me question a lot of people on this site who dabble with adopts.


And if I'm gonna be honest, yeah I know I did a thing where I had no room to talk once: I once vouchered off a dreamy for more than it was worth. I didn't know I was doing something wrong, but I do see that now, and I plan to make things right by returning the portion of the money I owed to that person.


But yeah, I think this sums up my feelings.


(But as a note: if some of my followers worry I'm talking about them, please know I'm not saying this to insult those who DO trade their adopts. I trade my OCs I can't use, I'd be ridiculous of me to insult people for that! I have nothing against trading, it's just when it's done in the manner I described, it feels wrong to me. But those people are usually easy to tell the difference between, so please don't worry, mutuals!)


So, am I leaving for good?


Nope, I just need to go away from the business side of OCs, for my financial situation and for my mental well being.


Then what do you plan to do?


A few things are gonna happen:


 Purging - Already been doing this, but will be pushing more. And before anyone jumps on my ass, NO I do not PLAN to trade any of my dreamies because unlike some people I actually keep my adopts. (LMAO sorry for the salt) If I do plan to trade any of my dreamies, they'll most likely only go to my best friends, because I trust them to not trade them around. And if they end up not accepting any I give up, then maybe I'll make a post for my mutuals only. We'll see!

Hiatus on being a customer - AKA I'm not gonna be running around and buying a lot of adopts. If I do it's ONLY becasue I must for a story, but like I mentioned in the beginning of this post, I'm gonna be REALLY debating on it. 

Unfollowing spree - if I feel someone has been acting shady toward close friends when it comes to using them for their adopts, I will be unfollowing, but quietly. I don't plan to call-out anyone or PM them a bitching tirade about it, because there's no point. And I don't WANT to be a hateful person, I just want to surround myself with more trustworthy people.



And this concludes the negative side of my giant update rant. Sometime tonight or tomorrow, I'll be posting on what I plan to do as I still say on TH as a active writer, storybuilder and OC designer!


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Do what you need to do.. Sorry about your grandmother passing. I miss mine all the time. Toyhouse has kinda become a.. You need to be in a click to be cool ect thing. I tend to just stay very quiet on site since i myself don't have hundreds to throw around for closed species ect. I wish you luck in your future endeavors!

Do whatever makes you feel comfortable. Don't feel like you have to do anything to please others, and sometimes its good to separate you're self from things. I'll support you and whatever you decide to do, and I wish you luck I'm your future endeavors! :>

I... am... sorry... But I understand... I kinda feel the same...

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Same, and if anything, I can now save the money I spent on adopts and save to gift my friends all art (I must get you some gift art for my son Heath! <3)

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YEAH LIKE TRUE STORY: When I was first getting into dreamies, I unfortunately got some bill or something, so I had to sell a MYO. I was like "If you don't want the dreamy anymore you'll tell me please? :)"

"Yes, of course!"

They put it up for trade two days later. When I asked if I could buy it back if they didn't want it they ignored me.

I STG MFW man_angrily_throws_down_cake_and_spoon_b

That's the better option honestly, it's really hard to trust people when most of them can't stop thinking about themselves for five minutes <_<

Yeah we are! And I'm glad, I enjoy your company as well! I'll definitely stay to keep up with my friends, can't lose that for sure! And also, I still have my auracorn guy waiting if you wanna do that ship with your dreamy!

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Dude no, the salt is fine. I've seen it happen and I've considered doing it a time or two but I always stopped myself with the idea that someone who wants it shpuld have the chance.

But yeah Toyhou.se has changed since I first started using it and idk if I feel it's for the better.

Know that you ever need to talk you can hmu however you want kay?

That's one thing I forgot to mention:

With how the trend of foddering started, now it's like...You almost HAVE to do it to get anything anymore. Don't get me wrong I definitely wouldn't WANT to, but it's like the community is saying "Join the neverending cycle of using OCs like poker chips or you'll NEVER get the OC you want mahahah!"

And I thank you for that, same to you! <3 I'm mostly on discord all the time anyway

Omfg inorite? I really hate when it becomes impossible to get into a CS because the prices are absurd and everyone who's trading only wants the same species (or a more expensive species - I've totally found a MYO Dreamy design I liked and the owner was like, "I'm only swapping for official ones" and I'm like... the top amount it's worth is 50$??? It only had the design on a base >3>)

But yeah I'm always on discord too so feel more than happy to drop me a line! Ill do the same

Hope you feel better... death in the family really sucks. I don't like mentioning it, but I've had someone close to me in the family pass away, though it was seven years ago. So I really do know the pain, I'm not just making it up. It still hurts sometimes. Do focus on your mental health though because that's so, so important. I'm probably not one to talk because I'm probably infamous for being perpetually salty af by now, but bottling in feelings isn't healthy. hhh

Oh trust me, I believe you! My father passed away five years ago, and you're completely right. It never truly goes away, but time does ease the pain, if just a bit ;;

I haven't seen everything that's gone on here, but you've always been a decent and nice person to me, so don't worry about others man, I see the good in you! <3 I'm always here if you wanna talk about anything, via venting or just OCs in general tbh!