Reminder to Back up your files!

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by Jade-Everstone

Related to medibang's recent moves, while I 100% think making people pay to access their old files is scummy, I think it's appropriate to remind people to back up their files locally. Whether it's on your computer, or in an external hard drive incase something happens with cloud/online services.

For desktop users, buy an external hard drive! At least 1tb to start (more if you do larger projects like 3D or video-related things). Right now (at least in the US) they can be found easily in stores and online. 

NOTE: when buying USB storage i recommend sticking with known brands. Off-brands or 'too good to be true' priced storage devices has less storage & can delete data. I'll link one of Atomic Shrimp's videos on this with a better explanation (+examples!)

I also don't have a solution for backing up android & IOS files (tried with medibang & ibispaint, medibang also locked that behind a paywall & android won't let me view ibispaint files...)  if anyone has solutions feel free to comment

The reason I encourage backing up files locally is because of situations like medibang's changes. Loosing access to cloud files is as easy as loosing internet access (or services locking you out) Having it locally will keep it accessible even if internet services fail 


I have been backing up my work on an HDD for a long time now. I have archived nearly everything I have made (including lots of physical and school stuff) and I may plan on getting a bigger one soon seeing as my current one is kind of old at this point.

As for backing up iOS and Android files plugging them into your computer and then transferring them onto your desktop hard drive is a solution if you have both. people who exclusively use Android devices also have swapping SD cards so using SD cards is a good option even if they're easier to lose.