hi gamers 

tw medical complications

on thursday i went to the ER 8D because of sudden very bad pain

i will not go into too much detail but something needs to be removed as quickly as possible and if it's allowed to stay for too long i am like, extremely fucked

so thats fun!

stuff i meant to do didnt get done bc of that (namely paypal stuff) so im gonna do that on monday.. ty for patience because boy things sure got wild

anyways im kind of freaking out about this (understandably) especially with how long i could be made to wait bc of how much pressure covid has put on the province's medical system. but i will try n remain positive! i just may not be online as much because it fucken Hurts and im like, in bed most of the day now lol


oras anniv and the honorary pokeau anniv is on the 21st! i know it's a bit of a lofty goal in my current state but i was gonna try finishing emmy's story section by them. the funky part is i was gonna write it up until the 'postgame' , aka after the endgame and all that garbage. i feel like i've plotted out pokeau's endgame (especially for emmy) enough that i can move the timeline forwards that much. i think.... its 2035? is the 'final' solidly plotted year of pokeau's timeline, the rest (postgame), is more open ended and doesn't operate on a rigid timeline

which means im redoing everyones bios again aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. though some will be more heavily redone than others depending on how satisfied i am with their existing bio. character ages will be updated accordingly as i get to them! i'll also update to include a 'common age' and current age, bc while pearl is 25 in 2035 she's still very commonly portrayed as 15-16 and that's her 'primary' character. minor characters will probably have their bios stay the same except for those directly involved. aka skymom lol.

anyways yaaaaaa im excited but also. its gonna take a while lmao thanks for bearing with me


Yo, I’m sorry about what’s going on, I hope ya get it fixed soon :(. Things like that are scary. Good luck <3

things are thankfully looking on the bright side!! got surgery scheduled for this thursday so theyre taking the dude causing all the problems out (unless it;s really whacky in which case i have other problems)