Check out this game demo! :D

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by Waltz


A small visual novel dev group I'm part of, L3, has just put out a demo for our upcoming GxG fantasy/drama visual novel title, Without A Voice! It follows the tale of an exiled princess, and the strange and beautiful woman she meets in the woods, beneath the boughs of a wisteria tree. 

The game will be free/pay-what-you-want, and is slated for release in early fall. My friends have worked their butts off over the past couple years to put together an amazing and beautiful experience to share, so if it sounds like something that's your jam, please give it a try and help us spread the word! 

You can find our twitter announcement here:

And the demo itself here!: 

Please help us get the word out if you like it, and let me know what you think! :D <3


slam nut buttom

AAA! I'm excited to get home and play the demo! It looks so good! /)w(\