Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by icecreampizzer

Hello hello!! Since I'm on break now, I can try out doing comms for this style in particular!



I call them RETRO MINIS. or scrunklies for short :3 Since it's a bit experimental, your comm might not match the examples above, but it's still in the same style! I might also need to simplify and remove smaller details from your character if necessary. It's similar to chibis I think.

They'll be $3 EACH because boy I wanna use my Ko-Fi for once. I might raise the price a tad in the future, but they're really simple and tiny so who knows. Multiple characters are a-ok (either in one piece or separately), but for now there's a maximum of 3 characters per person/slot. I might ALSO change it in the future, again I'm just trying this out B) !!


Aside for EVERYTHING INVOLVING WIPS (as in, I'll just send you the finished comm without sending a sketch, because they're experimental and simple), my regular TOS still applies here.


Expected turnaround time is less than 7 days now, because I have some holidays to enjoy B)

OKAY now that that's out of the way, I'll be opening FIVE SLOTS for the first batch, on a first come first serve basis. You're still free to leave comments while I'm working on a batch, because I can open up more batches within the next few weeks :] I'm planning to make this a more regular thing, since it's something that's easier to do than fully finished pieces.

PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM IN THE COMMENTS/DMs if you're interested in getting a slot! If I respond to you with a link to my ko-fi, that means I accepted it and I'll start on it once you send the agreed price. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME THE MONEY BEFORE I REPLY TO YOU. You can also reach me on discord (genebeanz#4726), just remember to introduce yourself too if we haven't communicated a lot there.

COLORS: (You can choose 1 or 2 colors for me to use for your character/s, or you can leave it up to me! I might alter the colors to fit the palette, with the exceptions of skintones - slight hue alterations, no whitewashing - if you request that particular color.)
NOTES: (For things like pose suggestions, alternate clothes, other stuff to tell me about the comm! I can add props but they should be simple/I will simplify them.)

YOU CAN CHECK MY PUBLIC QUEUE to see your commission progress/how many slots there are/other sillay info :] OKAY THANK YOU GBYE LMAO SORRY THIS IS WORDY

OKAY UPDATE DEC 18! First batch has been filled up, thank you so much for the support! ^^ I'll reply to those who requested pings soon, and I'll also reply to those who have entered their forms when I clear this first batch up.

UPDATE DEC 23! Here's the update bulletin for details, but basically I won't do batch by batch this time, I'll accept commissions immediately after I finish some!!

UPDATE DEC 28! Okay finally closing these comms, just clearing up the leftover queue now >:3c Thanks so so much for the interest!


UPDATE DEC 28: I will no longer be accepting any new comments for commissions. Thank you so so much for the interest! 💕 will definitely open more in the future. 

Hi Icecream! I understand if you're full at the moment. But I would LOVE to be considered for a slot in an upcoming queue, whenever you get the chance~!

Character Refs: https://toyhou.se/1104702.sky-mitchell and https://toyhou.se/8891881.luke-stephen Colors: Sky's definitely a pastel yellow and sky blue type! While Luke is more of a cerulean and purple~ Notes: For poses, Sky could be doing an eager fist pump into the air~ While Luke might be inspecting his camera as if he just took a photo. Though, I will say, these aren't explicit asks! You can play around with how you think they would look, based on their personalities and such!

Thanks so much for the interest, I cleared up my queue now and I'd love to draw them! That would be $6, please pay here whenever you're able :3 https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer since we're also friends on discord, would it be all cool if I send you the final pieces there?

Sorry, just saw this reply now! Yeah, it'd be totally okay to get 'em through Discord! I'll send the payment right now~

OH gosh I'd absolutely love to commission you, whenever you get around to it! :D This art style you're using is positively splendid!! If possible, I'd love to get two separate commissions of two different characters..? But if that's not do-able that's certainly understandable!! Just Codie would be fine if you can't do two. C: 

CHARACTER REF/S: https://toyhou.se/333282.-codie-emery- and another for  https://toyhou.se/11538944.-dr-borosilicate- (if possible..!)
COLORS: Do whatever you think looks best for either of them! :D Codie is associated with purples/yellows but Dr. B can be any colour, so have fun with it!!
NOTES: Both of these lads don't hAVE to wear lab coats- especially Codie! So feel free to draw Codie without it. As for poses- Codie can either look fed up/grumpy, or very As A Matter Of Fact-ly while adjusting his glasses. Dr. B can be super eccentric and excited!!

Hello hi!! I've freed up some slots and I'd love to draw these two!! ^^ That would be $6, please pay here whenever you can, no rush :3c https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer would it be all good to send ya the final pieces through dms? :0

oH that's wonderful to hear!! ;o; Hello! I've just sent along the money- tip included!! And yes sending the final pieces through dms would be perfect, thank you! Gosh I'm excited, thank you for accepting my commission!! :D

I never actually filled out the form OTL BUT I'LL DO IT THIS TIME!!!

CHARACTER REF/S: https://toyhou.se/13704367.-mailbox-#43273048
COLORS: Go wild!! She has a few colors that can be played with but as long as the final thing is sorta brownish in the end that's cool! :]
NOTES: She's wearing a skirt!!! I know some of her art has her wearing really poofy shorts but I changed it to a skirt (in the linked ref!) and her back parts aren't optional (Her tail can retract into the mailbox though if you don't feel like drawing it LOL), some of her art also has them missing but the vestigial limb containers can't actually retract. Other than that something peppy pose-wise would be lovely. And of course, if this character is a little too complex for your liking lmk and I can get someone else! I have a few guys in mind ^_^

HELLO hey my queue cleared up !! I'd love to draw mailbox but I will have to simplify her details <:3c please pay here whenever you're able! https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer and would it be all good if I send the final piece on discord? :0c

Totally fine with me on simplifying her a bit and sending it over discord! Also ofc letting you know I paid! :]

CHARACTER REF/S: them... aah https://toyhou.se/11545266.captain-bedrock#40887935 - https://toyhou.se/12610473.iris#41370700

COLORS: up to you :D

NOTES:  you can draw chester with or without his pirate hat ! u decide :3,,, and for poses , maybe something happy ? for both of them <:)

Hi hello!! Clearing up some slots now, I'd love to draw them cuties!! That would be $6, please pay here when you're able ^^ https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer would you mind if I DM you the final piece too? and to be clear you want them interacting in one piece?

thank you yaa !! and money sent :D !!
oh i originally thought of getting them as seperated pieces but now you got me intruiged, if youre up for it sure ! you can draw em together, otherwise i dont mind!
and yes DM the final piece would be great ;w;

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Hello hi! Some slots have cleared up and I'd love to draw them! :3 that would be $3, please pay here when you're able: https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer would it be ok for me to send you the final piece through dms? :3

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Hello hi!! The payment went through, no worries B) thank YOU too!! will send you the final piece soon :3c

hi hello! Exlimixia Gingasnap radiothottage LunarLex

I'm opening the second batch now (here's more details on it, but basically I won't be doing batch by batch stuff this time around, I'll accept comms as I go! Feel free to fill up the form if you haven't already, and if you have already done so I'll get to you real soon >:3c Thanks so so much for the patience!!)

Thank you!!! C:

ty! Take ur Time!

hi! i saw it was okay to add the form and you’ll reply once you’re ready to take on more, so that’s what ill do :D

CHARACTER REF/S: https://toyhou.se/7362346.valentine#23867217
NUMBER OF COLORS: 2 please!!
COLORS: purble, red, or maybe cream! doesn’t have to be the exact colors like her ref ^^
NOTES: please cover up her eye like the ref, other than that have fun with it!!

Thanks so much for the patience! I'm gradually clearing out the slots now, and I'd love to draw her! :3c please pay here whenever you're able ^^ https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer would it be ok for me to send the final piece through a toyhouse dm as well?

I know these are probably closed but I’d love one of these, do let me know when they open again ^_^

CHARACTER REF/S: https://toyhou.se/13457236.lady-onion-pokesona-#41742932 (zoroark version plz)
NUMBER OF COLORS: up to you!
COLORS: shades of red
NOTES: go crazy (and stupid)

Hiya hey! Some slots have cleared up now hehe ^^ I'd love to draw lady onion :3c that would be $3, please pay here! https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer would it be ok for me to send you the final piece through discord/toyhouse pms?

Sent!! And you can send it through discord ^^

I see other people doin' this but the next time these open I'd love to be pinged! :]c

Of course, added you to the pinglist! :3c If you fancy, you can send in your form too so that I can reply to that directly >:3 You'll be notified either way though HEHE thank you for the interest! ^^

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Alright! I'll be adding you to the pinglist, thank you for the interest!! :D if you'd like, you can send in your forms here so that I can reply to you directly, but either way is good for me! :3c

I'd love to be notified when they open up again too, if that's alright!!!

For what I'd be getting in the future
I'd be getting this character (my sona): https://toyhou.se/10662405.queen-cheesecake#33571594
Colors: Up to you!
Notes: She doesn't have to be wearing her fancy formal dress! I've been meaning to make more references of her in casual outfits. She's often wearing Normal People outfits like tank tops and jeans, or sometimes veering into looking like a kindergarten teacher with loose fuzzy cardigans etc etc etc she's very versatile and girlboss

Heya hi hi! I'd love to draw her the girlboss ever... I'm good with drawing her formal dress, but if you prefer me to draw her in casual clothes I will make up an outfit based on your notes if that's alright!! ^^ That'll be $3! Please pay here when you're able ^^ https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer and would it be all good to send you the final piece through dms? :3c

Paid! Feel free to draw whichever you'd like!! Though if you draw the formal dress you can leave out the gold rose spiraling metal on the skirt, I've been thinking of taking that out of the design C: And it's absolutely fine to send the piece through DMs, thank you so much! I can't wait to see however you draw her! :D

these are SO cute!! i'd love to get two of my skrinkly doos... my little spoingies

character ref/s • dax chance: https://toyhou.se/2736785.dax-chance#31789148 • saint yung giga: https://toyhou.se/10017326.saint-yung-giga#31792143

no. of colors • 2 each, please!

color/s • dax: any 2 off-whites on his color palette! • saint yung giga: purple/yellow

note/s • none that i can think of, except it's up to u whether you'd like to draw giga with his mic!

Hello hi hi!! I'm opening more slots now, and YEE they both look so fun I'd love to draw them! That would be $6, please pay here: https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer would it be all good to send ya the final pieces through DMs too? :3c

thank you SO much uuuu!! yes that would be totally fine by me!! can't wait to see my li'l shits in ur style hehe ♥ just sent the payment! :D

IMMA LEAVE THIS ANYWAY JUST IN CASE I NEED ONE OR TWO SO BADD of you ever open this again id love being tagged hhh


CHARACTER REF/S: https://toyhou.se/13841788.andrea-simons?key=scTxXEJWn64tVkt

NUMBER OF COLORS: 1??!!! Or whatever you prefer!!? 

COLORS: Red I think! Again, whatever you prefer

NOTES: Make him look upset! Really angry(? 


CHARACTER REF/S: https://toyhou.se/13830417.frederick-marshall?key=C9PK8dOwdA5z4ro

NUMBER OF COLORS: 1??!!! Or whatever you prefer!!? 

COLORS: A cream, beige or gray color!  I think! Again, whatever you prefer

NOTES: He is someone nervous, sweet and kind, he is quite gentle and calm. You can do the pose you want! He is an inventor, a scientist. 

Hello hello! I've opened some more slots again and I'd love to draw these guys :3c that would be $6, please pay here! https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer I'd also like to ask if you're okay with me sending the final pieces through DMs? Also, would you like me to draw them separately or together?

OMG!!! yes ofc!!! eee can I pay in a few hours?? im not in home rn aaaa and I dont wanna lost my slot ;;; if not is okay tho! 

And would be separately!! 

NVM!!! already payed! my user is Bakante001 on Kofi, and sent 8usd !!! lil tip(?
eee yes!! feel free to send the final pieces to my dm! and again, would be separately

NOOO THE SLOTS ARE ALL FULL ;_; could i get pinged if they open again too? ur art is so poggers sobbing cryigng screamding

EDIT with the scrunklies (i hope you don't mind fantrolls !!) 

CHARACTER REF/S: https://toyhou.se/5892940.taivis-felizk#43222204
COLORS: maybe a teal color??? anything you think would look good!!
NOTES: she's really sweet and peppy?? and overexcitable so feel free to do whatever with this information!! 

CHARACTER REF/S: https://toyhou.se/13127197.aveigo-peikos?key=ppOWcAR78agmhSh
COLORS: i think reds would look good!! maybe burgundy?
NOTES: he's very kind and laid back, generally very calm i think ? he's shaped like a friend :}

CHARACTER REF/S: https://toyhou.se/13116377.serepi-priaiz?key=wrpTgrYW3IxSfid
COLORS: i think red and green would be cool, but its up to u!
NOTES: she's kinda coquettish ? and coy? so do what u will with this!!! i would prefer the outfit on the left with the red boots :3c 

thanks so much for the opportunity!! i really love your art so much, you're one of my favorite artists ^__^

Yes! I can ping you when I open them again, but alternatively you can send out your filled form so that I can reply to that when I open more slots! ^^

oh okay thanks so much !! ill edit my original comment ^_^ <3

Thanks so much for the patience, I've opened up the next few slots! :3 I'd love to draw these three, that'd be $9 total :3c please pay here! https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer and I just wanted to ask if I should draw them separately or together? Would it be all good to send the finals to your DMs too? :3

awesome!! i just sent the money (under ray / croconawdiles) , thanks so much!! i'd love to have them drawn separately!! and yes dms would be perfect : D 

ok ok ok  dropping this for if any other slots open im sure theyre filled by now

CHARACTER REF/S: https://toyhou.se/13449625.pixie-morel

COLORS: completely up to you!!

NOTES: this is a guy with mental illneses. feel free to take insp from other drawings in her gallery? clothes patterns can be simplified/omitted! 

Hello hi hi! I've opened up some more slots and I'd love to draw them!! please send the payment over here: https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer :] wanted to ask if it's all good to send the final piece through DMs? :3c

TOTALLY!!! i just woke up LOL ill send the money rn

AAWW NOO THEYRE ALL FILLED UP T___T  aw could i be pinged for the next slot then? rlly wanna get some of these scrunklies...

(Just in case i’ll be filling this up too!)

CHARACTER REF/S: https://toyhou.se/4394285.zared // https://toyhou.se/4836025.hanates // https://toyhou.se/4388488.kierra
NUMBER OF COLORS: i like it colorful so 2 or more works, but go wild with it! >:)
COLORS: up to you!
NOTES: han could be wearing the other jacket you drew for him, and just add the typical scythe for kierra. Everything else is cool!

HELLO HI I'm finally finished so I'd love to draw them!! >:3 that would be $9, please pay here: https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer !! Also would you like them drawn together, or separate? And can I DM you the final piece/s on discord?

AYY EPIC! Together would be fun (like them interacting), but enough to seperate them into single fullbods! And yea ofc feel free to hmu on Discord for final images (or details if u need!) >:3

(+i’ll be paying as soon as i type this message, but lemme know if it didn’t go through!)

Hii hello ✌️ the style is rlly cute,, pls I hope I am not too late SNXNNS

Character refs: https://toyhou.se/12417318.genzo-matsumoto & https://toyhou.se/12417329.keigo-matsumoto (in the same piece of possible ;w;)

Colors: I got no idea SKDKD I totally give this one up to u 👍

Notes: Just so you don't have to read everything, they're twin brothers, Genzo is chaotic, loud and irresponsible while Keigo is the exact opposite of that, both into the investigation world 🤧 only note if keigo can have a cigarette as prop JSJSJD after it I got no idea what else :')

SDFHJSD not at all!! I'd still open up more slots after these anyways so don't worry about being late >:3

OOH I'd love to draw these two!! They look fun :] Feel free to send the payment over on https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer (that would be 6USD/2 coffees)! I'd just like to ask which of the outfit refs you'd like me to use for both of them? :0c

ADKDKD yess nice!! I just rlly got my first USD payments and I rlly wanted to try out commissioning someone with money so I'm excited 🤧 I'll send the payment rn

Also! Just the main one, which is the red shirt with suspenders for Genzo and the poncho one for Keigo :D 

NICEEE I'm so honored that you'd commission me omg !! ALSO YEAH got the payment now, thank you thank you!! >:3c Would it be ok for me to DM you the full piece when it's done? :3c

SDKKS I always wanted to but I was full of deviantart points instead of actual money BAHAHA now the time has finally come 🌞 

Also yes that's completely fine! :D


CHARACTER REF/S: This Mister!!
NUMBER OF/COLORS: I don't mind what colours are chosen-- Go ahead & surprise me!! ☆
NOTES: I don't really have much to note, do whatever in regards to a pose & all that jazz-- The only real thing to note is that they have a few sets of clothing that I'd prefer them to wear!! I don't mind what's chosen as long as they're not the Big Nakey™. ; v ;

AHH I'd love to draw this fella!! :] Feel free to send the payment on https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer and I'll get to working on him soon! ^^ I do love me some peanuts-inspired characters haha

Alrighty alrighty, thank you!! The payment should've gone through now, hopefully!! ♡ ; v ;

Got the payment, thank you so so much!! :3c Would it be all good to DM you the final piece when I finish it? :0c

Waah, that's a relief!! I'm always nervous when it comes to the Payment Things™ ghgh--
It's absolutely fine to message me the final piece too!! No worries there. I also have my Discord Tag on my profile if you'd prefer to shoot it over there!! ; v ; 

HII I JUST WOKE UP i wanted to hold a slot so i can get refs and stuff when i get on my pc! :3

also i was wondering if itd be ok to ask for multiple charas in one slot? :O

HELLO HI SKDJHFSD yes absolutely! For now I can do up to 3 characters per slot >:3

in that case id love to claim TWO slots... of these five fellas total! i'll leave poses up to you bc i trust you :]

https://toyhou.se/13115398.shiver green and red

https://toyhou.se/13272869.akashi black and yellow

https://toyhou.se/11378288.java the blue color they have and the uh... the one of their outer plastic shell? idk the name of that yellowish gray :O

https://toyhou.se/1231271.kamal blue and brown

https://toyhou.se/11879064.kimble [adult] red and blue OR brown and red, ur choice!

JDHDJSJ SORRY i fell asleep LMAO okay okay, I thought about it and I might as well do all five in your slot since I'll be opening the next batch anyways >:3 that would be 15 usd total, feel free to send the payment over on https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer >:3 thank you so so much!!

thank you soo much! should be paid! :D and no worries, plus i saw how many people claimed so i'm glad someone else can nab a slot :]
also ur free to send me the finished fellas on discord!

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OOH thank you thank you, I'd love to draw her the cool gramma!! ^^ you can send the payment here https://ko-fi.com/icecreampizzer and I'll get to you in a few days :3c

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thanks again! I forgot to ask if it's all good for me to DM you the final piece :0c ?

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