Sona Question Bandwagon Thing lol

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by Tacoma

1. Who was your very first human / anthro / feral sona?

My first feral sona was Vostok, made in late Jan/early Feb of 2017, and my first anthro sona was Spatter, made in July of 2019!

2. Which sona has been redesigned the most / has the most iterations?

That would probably be Vostok, since I've had him for so long (which will be a running theme of answers lol). He's had a lot of, sort of, revitalizations, but never a full redesign

3. Which sona has the most art?

Once again, that would be Vostok lol, currently at 191 pieces (which doesn't include a lot of SUPER old traditional art that I never wanted to upload), although Shep is catching up fairly quckly!

4. Did you design any sonas in mind to specifically be a sona, or have your sonas been happy accidents?

Spatter and Shep were both designed to be sonas, Vostok and PBnJ moreso just kinda fell into the role lol

5. Do you have any physical items of your sonas? (e.g. pins, stickers, plushies)

I have art my friends have drawn of all my sonas on several t-shirts, but nothing of them specifically (though I would very much like to get some at some point hehe)

6. Do you have any retired sonas?

Ah yes, that would be Doppler. Once I started moving away from both WoF and wanting a career in weather, I eventually demoted him back down to a primary OC

7. How many of your sonas were designed by you?

All of them! As much as I love my OCs designed by others, I tend to be very picky about designs that aren't made for me specifically, so I don't usually adopt other characters in the first place. Additionally, I find that I tend to connect better to characters I've designed myself haha

8. Have you had any sonas that you traded away?

Nope, all my sonas, both past and present, still belong to me ^^

9. How many sonas do you have?

4 at the moment! Though I have thought about possibly promoting some more at some point, particularly Luau, Moxie and/or Rhazz

10. Which sona do you think is the one most commonly associated with you?

At the moment, I would say Shep since he's my main and most front-and-center sona, for a long time it was probably Vostok since that was my online name for like 4 years lol

11. Would you ever want to dress up / cosplay / fursuit any of your sonas?

I am Looking discreetly at Shep and PB

12. Have any of your sonas never been redesigned?

Kinda going off the second response, none of them have ever gone through a full redeisgn, but all of them have had minor design updates and touchups over time ^^

Original template for this was by Lati-Waffles!


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