"What's Next"? (01/26/22)

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by TechyCatArtist

Hello Everyone!

...and just in a blink of an eye, winter break is over and the Spring 2022 semester is here to occupy most of my waking hours. I'm happy to report that all the goals I set in my last bulletin were met. With that being said, what can you guys expect to see from me during the next few months (besides the continued posting of photos from my July 2021 Hersheypark trip and the additions to my Nanocoaster collection)?

In Terms of My Art: I managed to put out a cute Christmas drawing featuring some characters I haven't used in a while and the first of two commissioned character bios- the one for JDC's alternate "Monstrous" form. The other commissioned character bio (Ka's alternate "Mythical Tiger" form) will be posted this Friday (alongside a "bonus" image that I created to accompany the piece). Since Bizarro is currently getting a re-theme, the corresponding personification I have for this coaster will be redesigned. This will include an updated character bio and new Toyhouse page; they'll be released sometime after the coaster re-opens. Outside of that, I'll just have to wait for inspiration to strike (but I do want to make good on my art goal of featuring characters I haven't used in a while). 

In Terms of My Stories: (If you want the full explanation/reasoning for T&T's cancellation, follow the link; https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/609589.-what-s-next-for-tricks-and-turns- ). The TL;DR is that T&T has been cancelled because I don’t have the time to write out the story in the novel format I intended it to be in (among other reasons), and I do not want to leave you guys waiting for a story that might not ever be finished. However, I will be incrementally posting the finalized story summary for those who were interested in reading it, starting in late January/early February (and yes, the story will remain as "Tricks and Turns", as I no longer have a reason to change the name). Outside of that, I have an idea for another coaster personification story (though this one will be a one-shot) that should be out by late February/early March, but you'll have to wait until then to see what it's about. 

That's all for now; the next bulletin will be put out at the end of my Spring 2022 semester.



AWESOME, I’m excited to see the one-shot !!!

I'm happy that someone's interested in my literary pursuits! :D