clarification: blood or blood-like substances, i am unsure if it counts as blood

i was given a jacket by a friend. it came with me on a hunt where i sustained cosmetic damage was injured got attacked by daemons. now there is a very unfortunate black stain on it and I don't want to damage it further. please advise?


You're gonna want to treat it real gentle with some soap and warm water. Not hot. Mix it all up frothy and take at it with a sponge for a while, then dry it off.

And a little smidge of pixie dust doesn't hurt, either.

At least that's what I've always done. Got some leathery bits that are, uh, a real trouble to replace.

pixie dust? what is that and where can i get some? :o i think the stain's here to stay but if there's something i haven't tried i want to try it

W-e-e-elll.... technically, you can buy some in a jar. You can buy anything, find the right seller -- *hem*. Not that they're always trustworthy about what you're buying for...

Pixie dust, 'Wyrd', Glamour -- tasty tasty tasty Glamour - it's just, uh, call it magical elbow grease. If you don't already got it, be a pain to source it. [He rubs the back of his neck] My bad. Wouldn't have gotten you all excited if I knew you weren't -- uh, I just got some bad eyes.

[..considering that this guy has a mismatched pair - is one of those from a goat? - that statement might be very, very literal.]

i have magic! it's not gods-approved magic but i do have magic. mostly what i can pick up from other daemons. i've never heard of buying it before. ...actually i think i have heard of people buying magic. i am not touching that source with someone else's ten-foot pole though considering how bad it went for them. [they frown, rub at their their left eye, their bicep. well, where a bicep would be in a human arm.]

"weird glamour" though? ...i have a friend who's weird and glamorous i guess but i don't think he's exactly you're talking about. though i guess he is a source of magic too, technically.

[they seem... curious about this guy, though not in a judgemental kinda way. their own eyes are pretty odd, reflective pupils and luminous red-orange irises on black sclerae, just a little crusted at the inner corners with some kind of black gunk. maybe they think he's some kinda daemon too? either way, Fucked Up Recognize Fucked Up]

Well now.  That might just make things easier.

Still not sure if we're quite on the same wavelength here, but it does sound like you have your foot in the door for supernatural bullshit. Consider yourself in like company! There's nothin' godly about where this stuff comes from. Here - watch this.

[Braque stoops briefly, with some clear stiffness - even if he doesn't look anything like human, it's evident from his voice and his manner of movement he's an old man. But he's back up soon enough with a plucked wildflower clutched in his gnarly fingers. It's dead. Every petal down to a shriveled, pale scrap.]

Now, I'm sure you're thinking, 'oh what's this old bastard on about with the flower' - alright, magic, Wyrd, same garbage, probably - probably from out a different can, but the concept, you know it, you get it. You got your own little niche of what you can do just like I got mine.

[As he's talking, he's moved his other hand to hover, open-palmed, above the dead flower. There's sort of - something that looks a little bit like a heat haze, around it. It's hard to look directly at, almost like it's trying to convince Ark it isn't really there.]

Now the way I can do this is, once upon a time, Time looked me in the face and started laughing. And it says, hey, you're really not gonna like where this is going. And I said--

I think I said, you know, a joke gets funnier, if it starts to look like it's not gonna go the way you think, at first. Longer conversation than that, but the gist of it.. there. Now this lil daisy thinks it's last week.

[He moved his hand away, and true to his word - the flower was fresh and springy, with clear, unfurled petals.]

Ta-da. Glamour at work. It's just magic. You can get it in a bottle from a goblin, but you might pay a summer day, some goofiness like that.

oh thats easy! little bit of hydrogen peroxide with a washcloth if you can find it, dish soap n water with a sponge otherwise.

leather can be a bit of a pain to clean up. i go through boots more than anything else i wear. > >

oh peroxide seems to be just bleaching the leather around the stain, but thanks for the idea. i attempted to ask a friend and all he would say is "that's part of why I just wear black"

EDIT: wait it seems to be smoking a little this might be working!!

yeah, that's what i mean when i say 'a pain to clean up'. if the leather's absorbent you should be able to find some balm or something to treat any weathering or bleaching.

glad it may be working though! if your blood's like any other, i'd say leave the peroxide to bubble for a bit and then try dabbing it up with a dry cloth. and i do mean dab at it; rubbing it will probably smear it around.

it's not, exactly like any other actually when i said it was smoking a little i meant the blood. the blood's smoking not the peroxide

whcih is normal! and probably a good sign but it's still leaving behind black splotches. maybe i'll try more peroxide :(

I'm... Sorry, can you pleese run that by me a second time? I'm having a hard time understanding it.

I'm not vary good at reading.

oh! oh i'm sorry ma'am

i bled on something leather, and now i don't know how to clean it. my organic components are part-daemon, so it left a black stain

Oh my.

You have black blood? That is vary interesting. When my family would get things like that on their clothes, they would just throw those clothes away.

Would soap and water work? o_o I don't know...

that makes sense, the throwing things away I mean, and i think if it were just armor i'd be ok with that, but a friend gave this to me. she said it fit my style, i didn't know i had a style. but she got all excited about it and now i'm sad at the idea of throwing it away. is that strange?

water seems to be helping a little, it's helping the dried-on stuff evaporate... i think some of these splotches might be here to stay though