Oh no the salt

Posted 5 years, 8 months ago by fizzelston

I need to vent really quick don't my me but:

Did you ever experience your character getting stolen? Like some pp outside TH so don't worry y'all y'all poopies, where I hang out with and talk with and such about OCs kind are, copying.. Some of my stuff? It's all small details but it just feels like..stealing kinda? Idk I don't want to be that "too sensitive hoe" but before I talked to them they had 0 criminal characters with eye patches now they have like 3

Plus another rant topic(ilu if u made it this far dhsg): pp who don't even say a sime thank you if you draw them something like. Yw 


Yo that sucks! But if they're really young it's probably just an admiring kind of thing... if not though, then that's more questionable. >8 /

Yuck! And oh god, yeah I know that kind of thing, like idk that's the quickest way to get me to never draw anything for someone again PSH.

Yeah, you're totally right! Younger folk temp to eh, 'steal' a bit quicker! I should take that into account 🤔!!

GOD the same!? It's so ungrateful!? A simple thank, you is all I crave my dudes. 

Doesn't make it okay! But if you can talk to them about it calmly it should do well so they don't do the same to other artists!

BASICALLY RIGHT? To not say anything is like, okay??? Guess you hated it damn bye. sfdsgsg

Yeah exactly! Thanks for the tip!

Sorry for being late to the party, but yikes! Taking specific and unique details is just a big no-no in my opinion; I don't mean generic tropes by that, but anyways taking details from other characters can lead to confusion to say the least. I think it was an accident or that the other person didn't mean to do that? I'm sorry I can't say much but I hope this gets resolved soon

Yeah, same!! Like tropes and similarities in characters are the real thing! And I love it when it happens! But plain hard copying is Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm

I really hope they didn't mean it but they are kinda known for stealing art before so AH it's a bit tricky to not be biased you know! I really want to give them the benefit of the doubt but on the other hand, I'm like 🤔

No buddy thank you for letting me rant here and your input on the matter! I really appreciate your opinion and you did, in fact, help me!

Oh no D: I've had to deal with both too in the past so I can understand how frustrating and hurtful it can be;; General inspiration is fine imo but right up stealing details from specific characters? Yikes.

As some people have already suggested before, you could message them directly explaining how wrong it feels to you. :o Or maybe, if you don't want to confront them directly, you could post something on the site they're following you (if there's any) about how you don't like your characters being copied?? I did this on DA some years ago and it somewhat worked so idk

Sorry if I'm not really helpful! ;; But you're not being "too sensitive" at all, don't worry

Oh no friend! I'm sorry that you had the same thing I had its just.. Really shitty? and frustrating most of all >:^( !

But you're totally right tho! I should point it out cause its frustrating me and makin' me all act sour and salty while.. I can just talk it out!

Noo dw you help a lot actually!! Thank you for commenting! 

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YEAH like, I feel honored that they think "oh that's a cool idea" but its also kinda :^(
'Cause it feels like they know the core of that character (For example Ros who's a thiefleader, with an eyepatch and a stinky man in general) and want to make that.. "cooler"  in some kind of way?
Like, one of them got a thief character, with an eyepatch, who's like a maffia leader. Like the Ros im writing, is at his lowest point in life and has to rely on the small profit of things that children steal for him, cause he's just such a lowlife scum. While their thief is you know, big maffia, supernaturaled powerd, better than everyone else and feared by everyone else. Ros but "" better"" 
It just feels like that they, want to 'fix' my character in some way or something? (This sounds really butthurt and Im sorry for being such a whiny lad about this)

and yes >:^( lucky for me it wasn't a big piece or something but smh 

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YO thank you buddy! Thanks that I could rant for a bit dkjlaf

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Hmmmm you could always say that you're uncomfortable about this, especially if you're friends with these people. outright saying you're uncomfortable doesn't nessisarily mean 'hey stop' but it does mean 'I would like to be heard please', and open communication might solve the problem.

Yeah that's true 🤔! Maybe I should talk with them about this cause this is getting out of hand and I really value their friendship and I don't want to be sour all the time! You got a good point there friendo, thank you!

I hope it works! <3

I've def had instances of seeing a design too similar for comfort and I'd just squint at them aggressively, but at the same time it wasn't like I could really do anything? Because the trope definitely wasn't mine to own and copyright and it's been done before, although it's definitely what inspired that person at the same time. So I get it it's def weird and it sucks that it's happening but it's gd impOSSIBLE for anyone to copy Roswell's charm or literally any of ur bois' charm just impossible can't happen it's the law.

I don't draw either so I can't relate but I can definitely understand how upsetting that could be. Why no one would say thank you is p. gd baffling. I'll punch everyone for you don't worry (ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ง

OH Dude I know exactly where you're talking about! Gosh it really sucks that that happend to you, 'cause indeed we don't own the rights or anything and, ofc its not a SUPER big deal but UGH. Just UGH. can you not? >:^(

SDFLDSFLKJ YOUR TOO KIND THO.. IM Crying, thanks for liking my stinky old man ocs 


Oh no I feel you on both parts D: Your characters are amazing ✨✨✨✨ maybe they got inspired ? Or did they make like almost identical ?

On the second part this happened to me a lot: I had made requests in the past and the peeps I made the drawing for never commented or let alone said a "thank you" which is highly frustrating D:

I wish you the best and don’t worry too much about it ! ✨✨✨👌

Ah TY friend!?!

It feels like that thin line between inspired and copying, for example, Sal ages things when he touches then with his bare handsand yadaydaY'alll know the drill, nowmy friendos havemade a God-like creature with the same powers, but he can also reverse it and choose not to use his magic 

It just feels like they grab an oc of mine "make them cooler/better/more powerful" and call it a day. 8( I love it when pp are inspired by me and I 10000℅ fully knows that I don't own The rights to characters with eye patches or characters with time abilities etc and I really like to see other characters with them and other people their way of writing g them with the same attributes as my characters (cause there really cool you know? See what the have in common and what' superr different etc) but you know just. grabbing my idea but make it 'better' stinks. 

I see what you mean, I hate this as well D: This means they had no ideas other than picking cool features from your characters, which is a poor move. 

I often get inspired by some characters around here but I would never blatantly copy their attributes simply because that’s not how it works. 

Yeah exactly! Its a whole different thing to get inspired then bluntly "making it better"
There are so many good artist and creators on this website (And ur one of them >:^(!!!) that inspire me and motivate me to do better. But not like this man >:^( 

Aww I see what you mean: this sucks that some people have no other things to do than making poor copies of other people's stuff for the sake of making "better"

and you're a great artist and creator too don't forget that >:U