Year 3 Autumn review

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by  Lovelyta Ranch ReneeScarted

Autumn came and went... pretty fast, and I got very little done HARPG-wise because I'm graduating my Masters and it's eating up all my time.

  • As the weather slows down, so did life at the ranch, and we started working on building relationships. Sandra started groundwork with Nanook to build him further as an endurance horse, hoping their connection would help them out on the trails.
That's it. That's all I did. I should've put Lovelyta in hiatus again but I love how 1 real life year exactly fits 3 in-game years and that kept me from it. April will be pretty intense too but I might have time freeing up by the end so, some wintery pics? Maybe? I mean it's snowing here right now so at least I have inspiration.

There was a lot I wanted to get done but didn't, including competition entries and breeding. I guess I'll have to postpone some of it to year 4 and just have year 3 as a quiet year where my horses grew and matured - at least I have RNG to keep them active, and we are coming to a brand new rollover in the next update.

Stay safe, and see you all!


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