Hhh why and sorry

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago by Daruby

I don't want to write a bulletin since it would hide my personal to-do list and will be too attention grabbing, but that's better than leaving you without nothing. I want to quickly apologize for my past inactivity, I'm really sick lately and if you know any art claims that I left hanging - message me a link so I'll try completing it when I'm home. I hope that I'll be home at least, if not - I'll write a personal apologize to everyone who's been waiting these months. 

I'm really sorry. I don't want to fill any detailed information about what happened to me, phph that would sound really inappropriate and I don't want to use my state as a free pass for my mistakes and missed deadlines. I'm going to finish your commissions, I'm going to finish my trades, I'm going to finish my claims, and I'm going to finish all secret santas. I'll delete or hide this bulletin after a day or so, it's already sounds too melancholic even for my taste <) have a great day? I hope that you'll have a good month 

And again, don't feel bad wanting to remind me about my unfinished work for you. I encourage it and it will be helpful to keep a track of everything I need to complete

Thank you


I'm home now, I'll hide this bulletin shortly after completing my parts in santas, trades and commissions! Thank you for your patience!

Yo, it's ok to be inactive due to health reasons; really, health should come first, please get better soon! Take your time recovering.

Thank you so much!,, Sorry for late response, I was away for awhile <D I think I'm better now, so I'll try completing everything from this moment!,, Thank you once again for your kind words!

Главное не кори себя за то, что болеешь %) Здоровье важнее всяких дедлайнов

Лишаешь меня моего единственного хобби? 8) Зверюга! Ладно-ладно. На полном серьёзе, спасибо большое. Я постараюсь этим не злоупотреблять, хотя это наравне с какими-то приступами вины. Так ломает, моментами,,, Особенно когда у тебя всё почти готовое лежит на столе, и ты слягаешь в последнюю минуту без возможности закончить вовремя. Думаешь, хм, со стороны это выглядит пиздц как подозрительно. Всё же, многие оправдываются болезнью и потом исчезают с деньгами от коммишеннов на руках, или тип того <D Неловко

Спасибо большое, друже,,,!

Take care dude!! Your health is super important!

Thank you so much,, I'll try being healthier soon! :'''D

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I hope so too,,, I'll try my best! thank you so much!

I think this is a good reason for being inactive! Get well soon and take care :(

I can understand it, and still I can't shake this feeling that I needed to write everyone a personal messages first, before apologizing in public <D sadly, the lack of time and the lack of proper to-do list making me wanting to quickly leave something to keep everyone updated, hhh,,, thank you so much, it means a lot,,,

I think it's very humble of you to apologize for it in public! But I wanted to tell you that you have every right of the break, you needed it and you deserve to rest right now. ;o; it's no problem at all /// take good care of yourself!