Event suggestions! (OPEN)

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Mixpixi

Hi! me and the staff team are looking for more event ideas, something different than the usual art or writing prompt. 
I feel like prompts are very common events and frankly aren't all that fun for me. we had a bunch of participants in the easter shell event, so i'd love to hold more events like it! 

What do I get for suggesting an event?

I'm giving out a clawcoin for each event suggestion that I like! you can comment as many ideas as you want, if you're creative you could earn a lot of clawcoins!

you will also receive the staff's gratitude :)

This event will go on indefinitely since i'm not sure how many suggestions i'll recieve


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Maybe guessing games? Give a hint and make people do do guessing, who gets it right gets a prize :)

Some of my favorite events are puzzle events where clues are hidden in pictures, sounds, songs, stories, any type of digital media. Clues could consist of anything from saying where the next clue is to hiding the url to the next clue within a picture. You might be able to format something like this in the style of the google forms escape rooms you can find. Something like this would be like following a digital treasure map! 

Another thing I've been trying to develop myself involves team games where discord server members are grouped up and sent out to complete a challenge. One of my personal team challenge ideas is more art related but you may like the idea as well!
Each team would be tasked with designing a new character. This character must have a backstory, a piece of art and some type of theme song or poem to go along with it. The team with the most popular character design would of course win! 

I also love games that take place in Discord voice channels. You can host game nights where you do everything from trivia on your species to hosting multiplayer games. Things like that one Jackbox thing people were really into playing last year. Movie nights are also a fun server event to hang out and watch movies with your fellow members. 

Relating to multiplayer games, I know a server I'm on once hosted a minecraft build battle competition which was pretty fun. You could totally do a crabpup themed build competition or find some multiplayer games to set up a team vs team server match. 

hmm, a monthly maze maybe?

hmm i had a oddly complicated idea
inspired by the easter event, a trivia event?
questions are scattered across the world, someone must write the answer, and if they get it right, they get something! like for example
lets say theres a hidden question on the base & resource archive place, at the end it reads something like this

" TRIVIA- 870
when has a crabpup matured into adulthood? "
maybe like the easter event theres a google form, and the trivia has a sequence of numbers so staff knows what question it was!
" 870 ANSWER- crabpups mature into adulthood once they're 20 years of age! "

or stuff like that!

oo this gave me another idea! what if the riddles were clues to the locations of the other riddles?
anyway ur definitely getting a clawcoin loll

also ty!!