OC Questions omg,,

Posted 2 years, 23 days ago by Tacoma

I love me a good OC questionnaire prompt!! So when I saw a couple people I follow doin it, I decided to as well even tho I've done things like this before haha 

1.) Which of your characters represent you the most?

Shep! He's my main mans :]

2.) Which of your characters represents you the least?

Mm, a lot of my older WoF OCs  aren't like super connected to me anymore other than Vostok, they're all just kinda doin their own thing

3.) What is your favorite design you made?

Oh boy I have so many I'm rlly fond of. Ig some of my tops would be PBnJ, Rhazz, Doppler and Luau.

4.) What is your favorite design you own?

In addition to the previous one, of designs that aren't mine, I rlly like Moxie, Magma and Foxtrot.

5.) What is your biggest yet-to-obtain dreamy?

Dreamies aren't rlly my thing bc I don't wanna like, encroach on other peoples' OCs, but I'd love to get a design by JuniorPaws someday, I love their work sm omg

6.) What is your most prized achieved dreamie?

See above </33

7.) What is your oldest character?

Vostok by a fairly large margin aha, I made him way back in either late February or early March of 2017

8.) What is your newest character?

That would be a tie between Rye and Pumpernickel, since I made them both on the same day last August, so they're twins both canonically and IRL lol. I'll be getting a new OC soon tho   

9.) Favorite feral character you own?

I gotta be predictable and say Moxie, I love her sm she's such a comfort OC   

10.) Favorite human(oid) character you own?

I don't have any human-ish characters lmao

11.) Favorite anthro character you own?

Shep, PB and Luau are all a contender for that spot, tho if it came down to it, it'd probably be Shep on top

12.) First original species character you obtained?

I've never really been into original species but depending on what definition u use, there's a few answers. If WoF fantribes count, I had an OC named Valravn from the WoF fantribe DreadWings AGES ago who's long since vanished from the face of the earth. Otherwise, my oldest current fantribe OC would be Galeforce. Outside of fantribes, the first of the two OCs that are from more or less fully original species is Isaac!

14.) What character do you plan to shower with love next?

Aside from New OC Coming Soon To A Theater Near You, I have been thinking abt Rye and Pumpernickel so much lately

15.) What character holds the most $$$ value?

I don't keep track of that but it would most likely be either Vostok, just by sheer amount of art, or Shep bc I've gotten some pretty good comms of him. Doppler and Rhazz also have had some decent money spent on art of them as well

16.) What character has the most art?

Again, Vostok, just bc I had him as my main sona for so long, especially while I was on the staff team for WoFA

17.) What character has the most favorites?

That would be Pebble, tho that's mainly just bc he was owned by a much larger account before I got him

18.) Any characters you co-own?


19.) If you had to give up all your ocs but one, which would you keep?

Why must you make me choose like this? </33 I'd have to keep Shep I think

20.) Any characters based off of show/book/movie/game?

In addition to all my WoF OCs, Spatter is a Goodra :]

21.) Your smartest character?

Probably Doppler since he's a weather science mans hehe

22.) Your clumsiest character?

South, pure of heart and small of brain bc he's young

23.) Your evilest character?

Probably Chernobyl but I'm not sure I'd call him evil, just kinda stalwart, ig?

24.) Your sweetest character?

Rhazz or Luau, they're both the sweetest kids u will ever meet

25.) Do you have a season/holiday themed character?

None really, I like to keep my characters a bit more general in terms of theme. Luau is kinda summery tho

26.) A character you are currently wanting to rehome more than any?

Mm, really just Galeforce atm but I've been thinking abt maybe putting Foxtrot, Sunrise and Tōhoku up for offers since I rlly don't use any of them much

27.) Which of your character's names do you like most?

Character names are something I rlly love picking so a lot of my OCs have names I like a lot! Some of my favs are Moxie, Magma, Kwaro, Wanderlust, and Eejanaika!

28.) Which character have you drawn most?

Shep ofc (currently at least)! He's got almost 150 pieces in his gallery, but overall, I've probably drawn Vos the most just bc I've had him for so long lol

29.) Any hybrid characters?

A bunch of WoF OCs are tribe hybrids, and then Pebble is a Husky/Samoyed mix if that counts haha

30.) Your most unique character?

Hm, I'd say probably Doppler, since I've never rlly seen anyone else make an OC with the same gimmick. I've seen slightly similar concepts but never done in the same way


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