interest for grams? :thinking:

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago by Sacchim


34 Votes yea

disclaimer first, if i ever do this kind of thing it will probably be like............ christmas this year or something at the soonest, deeefinitely not some time even close, and definitely not until i finish my todo

but anyway hi, sorry im always so quiet here LOL i keep telling myself ill do stuff but never get around to it... i cant believe the last adopts i made were about a year ago...

anyway if you dont know what a design gram is, its basically a semicustom gift you buy for someone else usually for some occassion, and the design is revealed on said day of the occasion; ive made some and i rlly enjoyed it so i thought itd be a nice thing to do, and wouldnt require too much out of me since i tend to be pretty stressed over full customs, and something like this would be a good compromise :thonk:

theyll most likely be an off-base chibi style thing sorta like a clean version of: 


most likely i wont allow buying for yourself, but exchanging and all that is fine... also, for pricing, i really have no idea at the moment but i was toying around with a pricing tier that correlates to how detailed the design is, but yeahhh if people are actually interested in this kind of thing ill seriously consider working towards it... either way thank yall for staying with me for so long <3




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That's a cute idea~!

/eyes emoji that's interesting!


I'd be super interested in them!!  :,o thanks for the considering the opportunity!!

  /grabby hands

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absolutely yes * _ * definitely would love 2 !!


YES PLS!!!!!

raises my leg YELL HEAH

I would be interested...kidnaps friends to exchange grams with eyes emoji LOL

This seems like such a cute concept! o: