Name this thing (Wrong answers only)

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by fizzelston

Name this thing please, (but try to be funny and wrong thank you) A friend bought it for me, as a house-warmings gift.
We do not know what it is.


but it has a small Willem van Oranje(? at least I think its good old Willem) face on it. [See picture 2]


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You must have to believe!!

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and yes I think so too!

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World's most useless gun, possibly a musical instrument. Or both

Ok tbh, I want to design a gun that looks like this thing, that would be so dope!?!

Would LOVE to see the results!!! To me it looks like an upside down laser gun made of pottery and glass (ie functionally... not great lol) but I bet you could come up with something clever and coherent :D

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Take a sip besties

Clearly that's one of them things you use to chain up your bike when you go into the store. The face on the side is to ward off any thieves, and Carl

AH!! Well I have my bike stolen before so, maybe this will help

a snack


Ya know, those nasal sucking things,,,

But big

That or a very very strange lookin’ tea pot

I prefer the teapot over the nasal sucking thingy... 

Those are for noses?... My family uses them for ears...

I mean, if it works good for ears it works good of ears ya know? 

very weird bagpipes

Pocket bagpipes, for some tunes on the way

a vase

Maybe Im going to use it as one 🤔🤔

willem van oranje”s soul is contained in that thing 


You have released him .

Oh.. oh no


Tell my kids I loved them

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Hard agree, I legit thought it was a bong when I first saw it

a bong that you can also use as an instrument case

It sure does look like a bong hu.............

I'm too scared.

Me too... Its definitly cursed. 

There are grapes on the side (+ a farmer so grapes might not just be for decoration...?) and it's made of some sort of leather material? (CORRECTION:  covered?) If I wanted to actually guess at what it was I would say wineskin/decanter... But I'm gonna go with "super fucked up watering can". You unplug the stopper and blow as hard as you can through the rim and water will come out the glass end in a jet. 

I don't think you should actually unplug the stopper though. It looks like it'll release an ancient demon or genie. (unless that's your goal, of course)

A decanter is very plausible tbh 🤔 but your right it's a funky watering can, filled with an angry demon genie... 

Hmm. Yes. Well, you see.. I am an expert at identifying these things and that there is an ancient alien salad drizzler. Hundreds of years ago, they brought these salad drizzlers to earth to help humanity get some dressings on their salads. They felt bad we had been eating them without any and shared with us their tool. 

The small man on there is the first to use the salad drizzler. The aliens felt so thrilled by his reaction to using it, they put his face on every single one since. It's vintage, so it'd be best not to use it for your dressings now, but you can fondly remember the days it might have been used. 


Oh yes that sounds very reasonable. That chain is made out of kryptonite-steel. It's unbreakable, and keeps the salad drizzler together. 

I have absolutely no idea what this is. I have stared at this for a while, trying to figure it out.

Looks like an olive oil container on one side, but a salt/pepper grinder on the other. 

But it looks like a bagpipe to XD

Im not gonna lie, an olive oil container sounds legit plausible! SDFJKLSD It can also be a bagpipe, if you believe enough 

It’s an instrument :D. You can become the pied piper with it, like a modern Snow White.

Omg!! My musical carrier  finally go somewhere! Thank you!!

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Man idk either, it's.. A thing. A lava lamp, yes I can see that work 🤔🤔

shrine for willaim

pledge allegiance in front of the Willem shrine

I don't know but I'm deeply intimidated by it's existence 

ME TOO, im intrigued

its a potato.

an ancient potato from the gods

I can see that! A potato puff of OLD