
I hope you all are alright. My health is improving, but the strange and exhausting cough is not disappearing. Besides, I can get back to work on commissions and study and work on my tasks regarding my degree. 

I must admit that I had some trouble starting with my Game Design & Programming degree. Ironic, as that's the opportunity I've been fighting for years. I felt pretty overwhelmed then, and I tend to rely on overworking to numb myself away, even if just a wee. I am aware that's not good at all.

But about my tasks, can you believe I've worked on sculpting two spaceships (X-Wing from Star Wars and Class I Dreadnought from Star Trek) to practice Low Poly sculpting? I can tell you that Sci-Fi is not my thing, as I am all about fantasy, medieval, gothic stuff, etc. I am pretty proud of the results. Besides, the review from the professor was more than positive. It makes me feel motivated enough to keep going. 

I am going to show you the screenshots of my sculptures: 





Well, that's all I have to share for now. I am going to a great pace with commissions and all, and I will try to keep going with writing some more of my character's information soon. 

Best regards, 

- Norbert ''Corvus'' H. 


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