About Tamako

Posted 2 years, 19 days ago by muichiro

Helloooo gang, I just wanna make this board here to I guess explain things because idk fojsjs I worry that people are like ???? 

So yesterday I dropped tamakos pixture with.booba and then looked at my gallery and realized that I only recently started to draw him binding and a lot of his pics he has a flat chest. I've been on and off debating whether he's trans or not since I made him, and I have really wanted him to be a non passing trans man because I myself, despite my best attempts lmfaooo, am also a non passing trans man and know this is such a struggle for trans men in general. I will be the first to admit that I fucking hate cis men's clothes and wearing them, which makes passing all the more difficult. They were not made for my body shape and therefore I feel like I look stupid in them and they bring out my body image issues like no other. For over a decade I never came out as trans to anyone who didn't already know me before I came out. The one, singular time I had come out to friends set me up for that. As I'm sure you can guess hahdhsh, it went horrible and I didn't have any support as 18 year old me deserved. But I am tired of hiding it out of fear and presenting as a cis man when that is blankly just not who i am. The transphobia I experienced then does not need to keep me in a bubble and smother me for my entire life. 

Tamako is a young man who likes to wear what he likes to wear, there is no question about that. Like any other trans man, he binds in all kinds of ways, be it a binder, tape or contorting his magical human body to how he wants it (a power I wish I had) odoajfosodjf. He likes his hair long because it makes him feel beautiful and safe. He likes feminine things because they're cute and gender doesn't really fucking matter when boba tea exists. 

I think my biggest worry is that people will think of Tamako and I both differently or judge us (not saying anyone here will tbh, you guys are all mvps), but I realize that.. that's not really my problem. Im allowed to have a trans character and I'm allowed to be trans. I hope anyone struggling with gender issues like I have and still do can maybe take something from this and my hope is maybe tamako can one day help someone else free themselves and just live their life how they want to. 

edit: THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT AHHHH, i loved reading everyones messages ogshdsagdsaghg and its so great to hear yalls stories too!!!! im sorry i cant reply to everyone right now, i am running low on energy today goasghsg but i just wanted to update this and let everyone know i appreciate the support so much! i feel betterodguaghg and safer in my choice NGL so thank you guys so much for that.


its ok 2 not pass, and im glad tamako brings you joy! my gender stuff has been weird and complicated bc of being in a system but we all can DEFINITELY relate to not passing and feeling insecure abt it... tamako is wonderful and i hope that one day you can be completely free in your presentation :) you deserve to be happy and safe with however you choose to look and identify and youre no less of a man for it !!

Characters are amazing, they are meant for us. And we can do w/e we wanna with them. Don't you ever have to explain yourself or your characters, or worry about judgement. You've got the full support of your TH family.

i want to reply to this with the same energy you have but. my brain is fried but i also just. care immensely

im also a trans man who......... does not want to look cis. cis men are too bulky, i like to be small and have a little curve in my waist and i dont modulate my voice. but that doesnt make me any less of a trans guy!! it took me a long time to really wrap my head around that, and i still have my body dysphoria, but ive become so much. brighter since embracing the clothes and style i really love anyway. thats why im so fond of feminine men, even if theyre cis! like fuck yeah thats me!!!! you fucking rock dude, keep on fighting the good fight, and ill always be there with you!!!

from one non-passing trans man to another, you're so valid and also i love him

I (transmasc) fucking love trans men!!!! passing or not :3 I love tamako and I love you, sega! /plat (am I being too intense? hmm….)

I can’t articulate complex thoughts right now (very tired) but !!!!! expressing urself through ur characters like that is super cool. Trans tamako makes me so happy!! he and rex have something else in common hehe..

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man all that matters to me is that ur happy i never paid attention to char's genders bc who cares, they're just funky little dudes as driftveill said

Trans Tamako makes me really happy

as somebody who doesn't really know you but thinks your art is neat: Tamako is precious regardless of what he looks like and what he wears; i love that funky guy sm

I am a non passing trans man who literally was head to toe pink with my outfit yesterday. I own a lot of gaudy pink girly clothes and I don’t bind because i wound up doing damage to my ribs with it and I live at high altitude so I gotta breathe. Personally I identify with the glamorous pretty trans guy, and there’s a lot of memes with like, a picture of princess peach with “I’m the guy who looks like this and is he/him only” so honestly I think the only judge ones would be the stupid ass transmeds anyway and cis people who just don’t get it

Sorry for rambling but yeah I think that’s rlly cool actually, trans people come in all shapes. Dunno if you’re into one piece but Yamato is a canon non passing trans man who has a giant rack and super long hair, he doesn’t pass at all and it rules

I can't claim to be your closest friend or anything, but just know that I'm here for you and for this.
To me, you have always been "paramedic", the person, a wonderful little friend that I made on toyhouse.

Man, woman, trans, cis, nonbinary - you are and were always simply "paramedic". You are you, and that's all that matters to me.
I hope that you can find solace in that and friendship & acceptance with others here :)

You're too sweet ofjshshdh BESTIEEE thank you for being supportive!! You are always the best and also up so early on a Sunday go sleep IN

Of course!! I hope that I can continue to support you in the future. Fighting!!! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Speaking of sleeping in,,, I stayed in bed reading manga for like 4 hours lmao iTS TIME TO GET UP!!!
(work has my sleeping schedule fucked up lmao i have to get up at 6am on weekdays it is horrendous)