Comments on Sun All Comments

I seriously love her?? So precious???

Ok jokes aside, Sun’s a really great character! I really like how you made her sweetness more of a defining trait than her temper, since most Sun-based characters have their temper as a defining trait; on that note, I do like how you write her as sweet but also with a short temper, it’s a real thing but I don’t see that around in fiction a lot! I also like how confident she is, it gives her more depth by making her come across as rude plus it gives her stubbornness. In general her personality seems so real, like I could meet her in real life. I also like (no pun intended) her Likes section, it really does flesh her out!

“insert backstory here” lmao- Jokes aside, I’m kind of curious if she was intended to have a backstory; if so, maybe try thinking about why she is the way she is? That’s usually a common question for backstories but maybe also think about some things that changed her life before her current story. That aside, I do like how she met Earth, it seems so natural! I also think her having to leave Earth due to her job and then suddenly vanishing due to dying is what would be described as an adult fear (basically something that’s scary because it can happen to you) and it’s also a turn of events I didn’t see coming but making sense. 

I think her relationship with Earth is really sad at the end; speaking of relationships, I do like how she isn’t defined solely by her relationship with Earth and that she has other relationships. The other relationships do bring some insight about how she interacts with others. Also I know I usually bring up design first but it’s last in this one LMAO- jokes aside, I do love how her design still manages to bring up Sun vibes without being too obvious, and I love the simplicity of her design!

Thank you so much for the well thought out comment!! :D I'm glad you find her precious because she is to me lol. I'm also very glad that her personality comes off as realistic and her character isnt solely defined by Earth (There was a time were a friend said that she revolves around Earth and it was kind of worrying ahah)

She had a backstory but i decide to abandon it since it doesn't fit with the current plot of the story. I'll take your advice into consideration since im bad at making up backstory lmao. Again, thank you for your feedback!

No prob! I didn’t know about that but dang; characterization does move on, eh?

Ah, that thing about her backstory not being present does make more sense seeing that. And yeah backstories are hard lmaooo-