Comments on Chapter 1: This is Not a Joke All Comments

"Think of it like one of those crane machines, except you can actually pick things up with these!" This made me laugh so hard for some reason, good dig at claw machines.

I thought Angelo pointing out the pronouns was a good character moment personally, and you don't have to know Jun yet to get what's going on imo. And how everyone else reacted with a sort of "not right now" gesture/expression keeps it feeling real and like part of the scene.

Also, scientists pls check the specs and measurements before pushing the machine to the production stage! "Five feet no inches" is such a great way to describe his height. I love how everyone turns to him and claps, and he just awkwardly thanks everyone.

Crane machines are such a scam, I don't know how people are actually able to win anything with them!

Also, thank you! I'm glad I kept that scene in, especially because it pairs nicely with a scene in a later chapter.

Good advice for scientists everywhere. If this team followed it, maybe this story would've never had to happen this way!