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Obscenely obsessed w/ danny phantom gang!

it still rattles in the back of my brain sometimes. love and miss my og favorite ✌

God what a mood,,  i dove back into the fandom in 2020 and did NOT look back-

WAIT FUCK were you hello-torracat??? I was genuinely like "why do I have notifs on toyhouse and who is this" but shit dude are you hello-torracat??? if so hello! hi! bro i was genuinely vaguely concerned you died or smthn! i don't remember anything about you other than you were likeable and fun! if that wasn't you, this is super awkward!

[puts hands in air]

thats me yeah LOL i guess i just outgrew that account :,) i made another acc there though as of recent. had me a timeskip there

and i do remember you i believe! lots of cool people i miss. but yeah i’m alive (debatable perhaps) and it’s good to see ya :) (and to you too ori!)