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Aw, I really appreciate your interest~ I keep telling myself I should make some kind of guide for all these specific things I reference in my profiles, like specific elements and races and whatnot, but that’s a lot of work. XD So I’ll try to keep it simple here.

Essentially my main story universe features a type of magic referred to as rifting (and it is distinctly different from “magic,” in the sense that magic is one type of power and rifting is similar when viewed but comes from a different source. There are many different Elemental Deities for each rifting element, and they provide the element in an omnipresent manner for rifters to use. Some elements are like the commonly known ones like fire, water, air, and all that (although they all have specific spellings to indicate it’s rifting rather than just the regular element), and then there are a few elements relatively specific to my story universe.

In Kally’s case, Gost is basically the rifting element for ghosts, and it allows the rifter to do things usually associated with ghosts, like passing through objects, causing other things to pass through objects, disappearing, interfering with other elements or circuits, etc. The capabilites kind of depend on the specific person and their skill with rifting. All ghosts can use Gost rifting, but not all Gost rifters are ghosts though.

Eterniti rifting is somewhat specific to this story universe and refers to the abstract power granted by the Creator of the Eternity (the Eternity being the name of this story universe as a whole). It has to do a lot with creation energy and the transformation of the matter around the rifter to make new things, although the creations are usually formed of raw energy unless the rifter is extremely skilled and can form things into a stable shape permanently. Kally’s family bloodline is linked back to the God of Life, so it’s no surprise she has the potential to use this element. Unfortunately she’s a ghost now, so she can’t use any of her other elements.

Crystalia is another abstract element that involves basically forming energy crystals. To put things simply, every living creature in the Eternity has a soul, and their souls are contained within their bodies inside a Soul Prism made out of Crystalia rifting. It’s not “physically” inside them in the sense that one would see it if you opened out the person, but it’s like invisibly inside everyone. Crystalia rifters are capable of manipulating their Soul Prism and creating more crystals outside of their bodies. They have a lot of powers and properties on their own, but it’s a fairly rare and somewhat dangerous element to use since it’s so intertwined with a person’s soul.

I hope that wasn’t too much, but that’s a pretty decent explanation for all three of Kally’s elements. :3 I always feel like it’s a little tricky explaining it to other people because it’s kind of a complex system and I haven’t bothered to really document all of it for other people to learn about; it just all makes sense to me somehow. ^^;

Thank you so much! That sounds really cool honestly! I like how that as a ghost, she can't use Life element rifting - totally makes sense, but it would probably bum her out a bit. 

I'm curious if the more traditional elements like Fire, Water, etc, also have cool and creative names like the elements in Kally's purview?

No problem at all, and thanks so much for asking about it. :3 And yeah, it’s kind of a bummer she can’t do most of her rifting, especially since she didn’t even realize she had the potential to do any of that before she died. ^^; Now she can only help out her little brother and make sure he doesn’t end up getting himself killed too.

Yeah, the other elements usually have some odd spelling to distinguish themselves from non-rifting based elements. Although most of the spellings aren’t that creative, mostly like swapping the letter Y in for various vowels because it looks cool, or at least that’s what middle-school-me thought back when I started this. XD Like Fyre, Watyr, Ayr, Eyrth, etc. There’s a couple other odd elements that are a little more unique like Crystalia and Eterniti, like Darclyte, Mana, Tek, Tetrae, and some others. Elements don’t necessarily have to be natural elements, there just has to be some kind of Elemental Deity that is the source of their rifting element and allows others to use it.

Does her little brother also have rifting potential?

Yeah I get the whole "middle-school holdover" XD sometimes you write a story when you're younger and then when you get older it's too late to change certain aspects because they inspired other canonical story elements, and you can't change THOSE either. 

What is Tetrae magic? Magic over trees?

Yeah, her brother is another character of mine, Alec. He looks a little older than her at this point since Kally died when she was 12 and most of Alec’s story happens from when he’s 14 and onward, 16 being the default age I draw him as. Kally‘s soul is actually stuck with Alec’s soul prism, which is how she got killed. It’s described better in their profiles, but essentially Kally can only use her non-Gost rifting elements by amplifying Alec’s rifting instead. He’s still learning how to rift properly, so he usually needs the help. ^^;

Right, I’ve been using a lot of these concepts and terms for over a decade, so it’s kinda hard to change certain things when they’ve been a certain way for that long. And I feel like if I tried to make changes to something as mundane as spelling I’d just end up forgetting or fighting against my long term memory. XD Ah well, I usually don’t question my young self’s nonsensical world building and just roll with it as best I can.

Oh. XD Well, Tetrae rifting is sort of an inside joke I made a long time ago that just stuck forever. In canon it’s a type of Lyte (light) rifting that tends to manifest as light prisms and is often more tangible than standard Lyte rifting. The Elemental Deity of Tetrae is focused around crafting and building from light, and its rifting behaves more like very durable magical glass rather than the usual form of light that Lyte rifting tends to take. Of course, that’s just my “totally serious worldbuilding explanation” to legitamize my younger self joking about Tetris rifting and attacking people with colored blocks. ^^; I probably should have left it as a joke, but now I’m in too deep and have to make things work.

aha I see, it's Tetris power! I actually think that's pretty funny XD 

Do you have a plan to turn these characters into a story of some kind?

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