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idk if i missed it but how to i change the 3 star icons that are alongside the boxes?

i could've sworn i put in guides but i might've gotten that mixed up with another code.. my bad LOL

the stars are lil copy/paste symbols so if you're after the fontawesome icons, you can pretty much search for the icon you want, copy the code snippet and replace the stars with that!

e.g. ✦ → <i class="fa-solid fa-star"></i>

i would suggest using the regular/light/thin lines for the middle icon if you'd like to keep the aesthetics the same!

TYSM! I Got it! and whats the sixe/ ratio for the ref image above the palette?

none!  but it's best if the image has a higher height than width; that specific image is roughly 1480x2670!

if the image you want to use ends up being a bit crunchy (because it's too big or small), you might need to change the background-size of the coding snippet to another value ^^