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Name: Yhmira (yuh-mee-rah) Many-Tricks Age: 28 Years Gender: Non-Binary (He/She)

Personality: Yhmira is a quiet, solemn figure, spending much time inside his own head. He carries a heavy burden upon his shoulders, and therefore has no time for idle chatter or pleasantries. When speaking, Yhmira is direct and to the point, with a voice firm and sharp as a sword, unlike the soft sing-song of her mother or father. Yhmira doesn’t have many connections outside her clan, and even if Yhmira wished to make a friend, his appearance as well as being Cursed doesn’t make other people too comfortable around him.

History: Yhmira’s clan has existed in the sands of Ivras for years upon years, when massive dunes were still small enough to step over. They lived peaceful lives in the endless desert, weaving the tasks of every-day life with magic. The greatest mages were the ‘Many-Tricks’, who acted as leaders, healers, and teachers. Magic to them was a gift to be shared and to be used, an idea that was preposterous to the Order. They ordered that any youth with even the smallest bit of magic was sent to Namarast, and the only thing the clan could do was agree.

The youths that returned were different, no longer bright-eyed and cheerful, but shambled and stumbled underneath the beating sun. Namarast had changed them, and the clan watched in horror as the children they once loved and coddled became beasts, destroying the home they once had.

The wisest of the clan said that it was Destiny who saved Yhmira that day, who laid healing plants on the young child’s wounds, who used the sand to make crystals to preserve the open bone, who kept Yhmira safe from vultures and wolves.

But the real blessing Destiny gave Yhmira, through whispered words, was another chance. A chance to make it right, a chance to save others from his fate. Yhmira will not let that chance pass her by.

Thank you so much for your fantastic audition 💕 While sadly yours was not the winning entry for this particular design, we still hope to see this character in the game! 

As a reward for entering (and to make your next character easier to obtain), you have received:

1: a Summoning Circle to create a new mage (Claim here when you're ready to use it)
2: a Stat Token to give a mage character +1 to Discipline or Power (Claim here when you're ready to use it)
3: Double Gold for your entry wordcount! (Claim here) Audition art is not eligible for Gold. 

Feel free to use these rewards to create the character from your audition profile, or any other character!

If  you have questions about selections or would like feedback on your  entry, feel free to send us a message via @Modmail in our Discord server  and we would be happy to help! Choosing winners was tough, and we're  appreciative of the love and care that went into every entry. 💙