Gold Bank

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago by Franknsteins


gold claim and bank

Your gold balance
You do not need to track your own Gold in Anathema; it is stored in a central bank document (embedded to the right) that is maintained by Anathema staff. Whenever RP, art, or literature is posted to this thread, or items are purchased, these changes are added to the document log and your new total is automatically updated.

Gold cannot be transferred between users, and can only be collected for content a player has created.
Sometimes there is a delay before changes made to the Bank spreadsheet appear on the embed. To view the live Bank document and attached log sheet, click here. The full document may cause your browser to lag.

All Anathema-related art, literature, and roleplay is eligible to earn Gold. Gold can only be claimed by the creator(s) of a piece. For instance, commissioning another artist to draw your Anathema character would not earn you any Gold, but writing a poem about another player's Anathema character would.
When you complete an art or literature piece, upload it to by hitting 'Submit' on the top navigation, and tag the appropriate Anathema characters featured in your work. In the beginning of the caption (for images) or blurb (for lit / rp), list your calculated gold total as outined in the Gold Guide.

If submitting a roleplay thread from Anathema's forums, you do not have to reupload the RP as a literature file. Simply make a final reply in the completed thread with the word count and Gold totals for all participants, and link to it when claiming your gold here.

When your piece is uploaded, your gold counted, and the featured characters tagged, reply to this comment with the form provided. A staff member will update the Bank document and reply to your comment if anything needs correction. If everything looks good, your comment will be deleted and the Gold will appear in your Bank balance.

If you change your name, move accounts, or otherwise need to update your account information, reply to this comment to request a change to the bank document.

If you suspect an error has been made in your bank account, you may also use the update comment to discuss the error and staff will look into it promptly!

Please try to avoid commenting on this bulletin with discussions or questions, to keep things organized. If you have questions about the bank, please head to the #ask-staff channel in the Discord server, and we will be happy to help!


✨ Gold Claim

Reply to this comment with the form below to claim your gold! Please make sure that your gold count is at the very beginning of the caption (images) or blurb (lit/rp), and that all appropriate Anathema characters have been tagged.

If submitting a roleplay thread from Anathema's forums, you do not have to reupload the RP as a literature file. Simply make a final reply in the completed thread with the word count and Gold totals for all participants.

If submitting a collab or roleplay, please tag all artists in your form, and make sure that all users' Gold counts are listed, if they aren't all the same.

Staff will delete your reply once your gold has been successfully added to the Bank document. 

Artist username(s): x
Link to work: x
Gold total: 

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Already logged!

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Ah yeah, at some point we are going to have to log! It'd be better to make sure everything is correct beforehand, but if you have alterations to do please comments with those alone and we can fix it.

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1 Replies
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Hi ! I can't view this image for some reason it says i'm unauthorized

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Artist username: xoten
Link to work:
Gold total: 92

🔔 Bank account help

Reply to this comment if you need changes made to the Bank document that aren't claiming Gold, such as username changes, possible logging errors, etc. 

Please be thorough in your request, and patient as staff looks into the issue! 

Please do not use this comment to ask general questions, only to request changes to the Bank document. General questions about Gold and the Bank can be directed to the #ask-staff channel in the Discord server! Thank you. 

1 Replies