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more about em now, w/ the full Unfun Details of what's actually going on:

- His dad was up to some real spooky shit that put out a LOT of bad magical vibes ten years ago, there's still a lot of lingering Ugh around the house, but after The Incident when em left town it abruptly stopped because dude went to Jail, Did Not Pass Go. The magical bs picked up once again, though, when dude got out on parole and came back to town only weeks before his death.

- getting rid of the leftover nasty magic left in the house is part of why emery decides to stay in seaholly, so that's a good basis for interactions! emery isn't really a magic person himself in this AU hhaha, he's very uneasy about it and around it, but he'd rather de-curse everything than Not and he can't do that alone.

- in the interests of full disclosure; similar to DM canon emery's dad decided sacrificing his son for an awful magic ritual was a GREAT idea; unlike dm canon it all went very pear-shaped

- if he was ANY of my other my ocs the extra deluxe secret would be that emery totally killed his dad himself but that is genuinely not what happened. i don't have a solid answer for what did happen.

Maybe Pat could help Emery out with the decurising everything? I mean generally though this is Emery's thing and I don't want to make it all about Me kinda dealio though but I like the idea of Pat's mom Elphaba (Who was the witch/wizard before Pat.) being vaguely aware of Nathaniel Crowes's activities but not having the time to really investigate in what he was doing. But do let me know if Elphaba wouldn't be aware of that!

I like the idea of Emery going to Pat's tower and asking her to help him? Oh! Maybe Rhi could pop up sometimes by Emery's house and she really likes the spooky stuff and Emery's like "UhhhHHHHH don't touch that augh".

Please, please do let me know if I get anything wrong or make any bad assumptions or if you don't like any of these ideas! I really want to make this as comfortable as possible for you. It is okay if you say no to any of these.

I LIKE ABSOLUTELY ALL OF THESE IDEAS - a big thematic deal with emery coming back to seaholly is navigating what lingering impressions and information might be lingering around from the past, so th thing about Elphaba fits perfectly with what i want!

i wanted to let you know right quick i dig all of these, i'll be more like, detailed and do another reply to this but - yeah!!