Comments on classical / f2u html All Comments

return of the king holy shit... welcome back! love the code.

AHUEHAOGH thank you!!! <333 i have returned for but a small fraction of time..

LOL reasonable codings flipping exhausting (cough cough idk why but its always the damn commentating to make it easier for people to use that gets me)

YEAH I GET THAT commenting is like ... still smth i struggle with doing even in an academic setting its :'')

YEAH ME TOO honestly its gotten to the point where my comments are barely even related to the code LOL i literally got so bored doing commenting 1 time i started a running gag 😭

HELP?!jhgjkdfhgkjdfh i try to keep it on topic but i usually go <q> after a bit of time,, WHAT RUNNING GAG LOL

19 Replies