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YEAH I GET THAT commenting is like ... still smth i struggle with doing even in an academic setting its :'')

YEAH ME TOO honestly its gotten to the point where my comments are barely even related to the code LOL i literally got so bored doing commenting 1 time i started a running gag 😭

HELP?!jhgjkdfhgkjdfh i try to keep it on topic but i usually go <q> after a bit of time,, WHAT RUNNING GAG LOL

iirc it was like did YOU know that you can CHANGE this icon? go to to learn more! for every single fa icon i put in the code (there were. a lot cuz it was a coders quarters thing) and i think it was funny but also completely unnecessary. IDK it seems like every coder has a problem with comments i remember seeing a calcodes bulletin about it a while back or something

HAOGKHFDKJGHDF HELP THATS AWESOME-- omg yeah ive met a lot of other coders who seem to have a problem with commenting T7T for toyhouse its esp hard since most ppl using the code dont have any experience so its hard to put it in familiar terms, sometimes i feel like i have to comment every line which is 0-)-(

YEAH i honestly always feel like i just. have to go slow and steady jic someone who just joined is using the code WHICH ISNT USUALLY THE CASE BUT HEY every codes a first for someone. the first one i used was probably a pinky code and i messed up the formatting cuz i was on mobile and needed a good way to edit it! lol

16 Replies