Comments on Art Burnout Tips?? All Comments

when I'm feeling particularly burnt out I try and turn my attention to a hobby i've never done before/haven't done for a while!

my go to burn out activity is flower/leaf pressing since all you need to do it is a thick book, a few sheets of computer paper, and somewhere nice to walk around :D
I also find that lurking around second hand stores for cool things and hands on activities seem to do a lot for me (like planting some flowers or rearranging my bedroom furniture!). Doing stuff that isn't too creatively focused can feel suuuper refreshing!

Ooohh pressing flowers or leaves would be a fun idea! That may be a better idea for spring and summer though, since falls almost done where I live. But ty for the idea!! 

And trying a new hobby or visiting a second hand shop is a good idea as well!