Comments on Art Burnout Tips?? All Comments

I am having one rlly bad rn 💀💀💀💀 but usually trying drawing challenges, recreating screenshots, someone else's art in your own style, draw someone else's oc, draw a meme with ur own characters, humanize something that usually works for me <3 or try drawing some things u never draw like a skull or something, maybe u can try some anatomy studies just to warm up. I don't really enjoy doing them but they help u warm up ur wrists so u can draw something better later. I also often use pinterest for ideas, you can try to recreate a pic from there :) be it with an oc or just draw the person on jt

Sketching in my sketchbook has helped a lot of with my burn out thankfully. And I've gotten some good things finished! And anatomy practice would be a good idea!