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FTO?: y


Hi, foxto mod here! Are you sure this is the right username? it comes up as not found on the site!

Hello, thank you for letting me know! It's fixed now, it eems it failed in the last steps... Can you check if there's an account now? It should be Tokkori

And just in case, can slots be transferred to storage accounts until the design is ready for approval? TYSM!

Here's your Poptopus!


As for the storage transfer, I don't think so but you'll have to ask artbymaxm about that!

Thank you so much for your help and patience! Just one quick last question- I think new users have a +1 rare trait, but the slot is not listed as such. Do we still have this trait? Just to make sure I design the foxtopus accordingly. Thanks again! `v´

Oh! it's listed under the description! let me fix it though so you can see it better!