Comments on New Year Update + Oracle Readings All Comments

Definitely interested in trying your game out one day 👀 could I get a reading too? Ty and happy new year :D


aventurine - create your own luck!

this stone is such a slap in the face sometimes, because you're just like wow thanks.. create my own luck. but! it is a good one and it is true! i think there's been some things you've wanted or wanted to do but haven't quite felt 'lucky' enough to get into them. you might be feeling as if you have shit luck and i think it's a self prophecy there by stewing in it. 2023 seems like a pretty optimistic year for you, so long as you cultivate it how you want it to be. i don't know whether you're into the idea of manifestation or not, but this card is just that. whenever you want something this year, make your own luck! manifest that you have just that! if you want a job that pays better, manifest it! believe in it! if you want to do something, manifest it! i think taking a positive outlook on things will really help you and just generally believing in yourself will spread that energy that gravitates desires towards you!Â