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celestite - soothe your soul 

so! first of all, you are a little difficult to read, haha. i feel as if you're very guarded and you have this little field around you that doesn't want to quite let itself go down. but! from what i can gather from you, i feel like your 2022 was a little hectic but also underwhelming at the same time? it feels like there was a lot of energy going around you, but not quite the energy you wanted to really put yourself into. there's some anxiety sensations from you, a lot of worry about different kinds of things, though i am getting a money based nervousness that's a little bit taller than the rest. 2023 might be a difficult year for you in the sense that you need to sort of remind yourself that the universe will have your back and if you put the intention that things will work out, they will. it's time to direct your soul into things you want to do and to make time in the chaos to find ways to soothe yourself and to also not be so hard on yourself. celestite is such a soul/spirit stone, derived in name after celestial; so if you have an interest in the metaphysical, i think it might help you figure out how to essentially 'control' and make your life shaped in the way YOU want it. IDK, i get a slight curiousness at the metaphysical from you and if thats the case, this stone is a good calling card to explore a little and dabble in new areas that might be of interest to you. 

Wow!! This was really spot on @_@ I did have a very hectic underwhelming 2022..  The part about the curiousness at the metaphysical is also spot on. I really need to put more faith in the universe and stop trying to control everything with my own two little hands. A bad habit of mine. This is just what I needed to hear -- thank you so much!!