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[Pastor's chest seems to heave momentarily, like Aidel had startled him just a bit. He shoots them a wide-eyed, closed-lipped look, but he relaxes not long after he meets their gaze... And he starts not meeting their gaze. He vaguely recognizes the person standing in front of him, he had only come to see them around... Fairly recently. And it's hard to miss someone dressed in such bright colors among a crowd of dark-haired elves wearing dark robes]

I am busy. But not too busy to chat, no. I... My name is Pastor.

[With the whisk at his side, he starts running his fingers over the handle of the tool. He's still not looking at Aidel, but in his head that's nothing personal. Truth be told, this wasn't a very common situation for him to find himself in. Someone wanting to know about him?]

What is your name?

[Brief eye contact, and then no eye contact. Aidel didn't really take offense to that. They hated eye contact too. They didn't even really mind that he didn't look at them. Aidel took a deep breath, because they were unsure how their next question would be taken. They had a friendly smile on their features, and spoke. It was an upbeat tone, like a rare morning person greeting someone "Good morning!"]

"My name's Aidel, Pastor! I was wondering, are you autistic? I'm not trying to be insult you or be rude or anything, I'm honestly wondering that. It's okay if you tell me, I'm also autistic!"

[It seemed like a good ice-breaker, and they couldn't help but feel a little curious. Aidel had noticed quirks of Pastor that could be marked up to autism, some Aidel shared, like not making eye contact. So they figured it was a good idea to ask.]