Comments on Question: Do you guys like colored text or no? All Comments

I voted no, due to the fact everyone uses different themes and having colored text can mean text may be unreadable depending on which one people are using. I think most colors I've seen people use look okay on the default, but it's certainly a gamble for those who don't. I can't stand the default myself, so all my profiles are made in dark mode. Because of that, profiles I've worked so hard on can be completely unreadable for someone else because of the colors I used and the theme they had on. I think it is especially so for some of the other themes. Of course, it's not easy to just see what themes people are using right off the bat, so it's not like we can check if it would look the best on the most used ones DX

Granted, that doesn't mean I don't like colored text! But I would want them to have a background filling that can be changed if needed [if that makes sense?]. Kinda like the box/button/etc they are in can be colored to help make sure the text is readable no matter what theme someone is using. Alternatively, the ability to remove the color if someone is concerned about it, like the removal of the 'text-primary' you mentioned, would be an easy compromise!

Yeah, using customizable colors (in which you choose the specific hex number of the color) for text can be tricky when it comes to making sure it's readable across all the themes. You either have to look at your profile in all the themes to make sure the color is readable for everyone, or choose a background filling. (A background filling would definitely the easier option lol)

However, I think using primary/info/warning/success/danger for the text color would still makes it readable across all the themes if you're putting the text over an empty background. That's why I love using the theme colors for profiles, it makes things easy to make the profile viewable for everyone. I personally use pink theme but I sometimes switch themes and I never have a problem being able to read/view a profile as long as it uses the theme-based colors.