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hey bugs! i bought these two characters from this person, and they absolutely disappeared from social media and never transferred me the characters nor reply to me anymore, so would it be okay if i reuploaded em? if you want further proof i can def dm it to you!! just super unfortunate,, they have a history of scamming it seems too(the profile comments n ppl i talked to on insta)

hello! i am so incredibly sorry for replying so late, have been very busy and wasn't able to manage social media and personal life at once! yeah, i think i have unfortunately been scammed by this person as well, i remember selling them one of the characters for 80 dollars and they set a chargeback for that one and stole the 80usd from my paypal. i am so sorry you have been targeted by this person as well, that's so unfortunate! absolutely feel free to reupload the characters! i am once again so sorry i am getting back to you this late, if you need anything else please do let me know!

thank you so much! Im so sorry for the late reply but i just got up to dealing with this again haha. Ive been using them on the side, but i will upload these guys on th now! Im so sorry you got scammed by them too </33