Comments on Chapter 6: Party in the Captains' Room All Comments

Emil's pattern names crack me up, especially the I Made this series. Enjoyed the little tidbits of each one's family and life back on Earth and the moment where Leon looks out the window and feels a little homesick! Oh no Lorenzo, I hope he's doing alright. It was really funny watching Emil get distracted to make Lorenzo's bed.

Also I like that each of them has had a "theme" to their patterns, Emil's one feels related to stage performance and showbiz?

Also the "getting hit but not actually losing a life" glitch sounds very realistic hahaha.

They opened...the Secret Stairs? 👀 intriguing, I wonder if the answer to these mysteries lies down there!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed all that! Lorenzo will notice if his bed has been tampered with.

Yes! You're correct about Emil's theme. Quite a showman, through and through.

Normally in games, it is not a glitch but a feature, but considering that the IF developed these glasses for serious training, getting extra lives was probably not part of the plan. Oh well~
