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I've gotten Covid twice but weirdly the second time I didn't have any sensory problems, I guess it was a different kind of covid than the first time I got it ?
This time it's a regular flu but not Covid at least B,) When I first had Covid though it was real bad, a real bad fever for several days then excessive fatigue, coughing, stuffiness, migraine etc.
could not smell anything and my taste was really dulled...  

Thats weird bc ik someone in my house who gotten like.. a worser covid like it was the flu, I never gotten that- is there like another strain out ther or some shiet? LOL but regardless yeah, beat that sickness!

Oh man I saw this so late, you are the second person I didn't see the comment notification for ?

Honestly there is probably a lot of variants of covid by now, it's not even listed as a pandemic here anymore
basically everyone can walk around free without masks or anything now. It's basically on the same level as the common flu now.
I think the more problematic variants were just at the beginning / middle of the pandemic, the ones that really mess up the lungs and/or have a bunch of other nasty after-effects

Like for example the first time I caught it - my lungs have not been the same since then, the second time didn't have any lasting problems for me luckily