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Ghh I missed this comment, sorry about that, that is 2 comments I missed in days from two different people now  

Aw man that's very kind of you to say q_q, I always feel really bad if I have anyone wait on me, I'm so slow even when I'm not ill...
it's something I'm trying to practice and perfect, getting faster but still keeping my quality up...
It's why I sometimes work even while ill, even though it's not really healthy. It doesn't combo well either with my sleep issues fmdskmvld

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Of course! I just mean I used to be much faster at drawing, less distracted too... I just kind of wish I was as fast I used to be 5-6 years ago haha ! I mean I guess it's because my quality has increased?
I put more time into my art than I used to back then I guess. I question how people who do full paintings can finish in a few hours while for me that takes at least 5-6 hours or longer x_x

Although I need to watch out for my health, I do at least want to have a more professional commission system, like more wips and closer deadlines.
I always says I'm going to set deadlines and then I go over it or something gets in the way extending the time longer than planned,
then I sometimes forget to update that it might take xyz day(s) longer 😔 I've been trying to work around my adhd without resorting to medication but it's tough I'll admit.

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I haven't really thought of that actually, I've only been told about Ritalin and another one I forgot the name of,
I used take Ritalin as a child but I didn't like how it made me feel so my mom got me off of it end of grade school.
She used to take it as well since we both got adhd and she stopped taking it for the same reason as me.

I didn't know about those two options I should look into those as well and give them a try. So they are basically over the counter stuff right?
I am wondering if they are also maybe  available here in our general pharmacy 🤔 or maybe a German version of them or so.