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God that's just horrible. You're so strong for going through all of that and still pushing through. I'm just so frustrated for you that school just isn't... Free??! Especially for people who actually want to learn or do something they are passionate in. 

As someone previously suggested, maybe seeing if a scholarship is an option for you. Or if your campus has any work-tuition options? Or transferring to another college that is cheaper. Giving up on your original goals for your degree is just saddening... //Hugs 

also my god wtf your parents ?!? Literally abusing you for refusing you to see a doctor?!? That is illegal WTF Not to mention not having any sort of autonomy?! I'm livid. I honestly hate parents like that (like I'm sorry for saying that about your parents) but it's just ridiculous and just adds so much unneeded stress to you on top of everything you're going through. 

I know you have a lot of things to be grateful for but please don't feel bad at all for venting. 

also I had no idea/heard about project moon having drama/problems (my sister was obsessed with lobotomy corporation and she was streaming for me and I liked the gameplay/it seemed cute) so I don't know what happened with them but I'm sorry that your big source of extra income is just gone. 

I am praying and hoping that something good happens and does a chain reaction of many better things because this is just too much for a person to handle. It's unfair and I'm sorry if my words don't really matter/do anything for you... I got that you have some friends/family that you CAN go to for comfort //hugs