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Hi! I have a friend who wants to use this code but the kofi link you gave me no longer works. Is it retired now? If so, is there anyway I can give them the required code? (They are okay paying for it I just don’t have a link to give them).

yah narrow is retired by i can temp re-active it, it should work now:

Is the profile in that bundle? I didn't see it in the previews:

I think this was an old version of Overview if I remember correctly. Thank you, btw! 

oh oops i had it mixed up, sorry LOL i dont have that one anymore. closest would probably be:
i dont have any that are the double rows of buttons

Would there be a way for them to tip you on kofi and I give them my code? ^^ 

oh yeah sure, i think it cost like $6? they can buy two ko-fis and just put a note in it and that's fine!

4 Replies