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I love this code! I have a bit of an issue though: I was trying to tinker around with the flags when I ran into an issue. At first, it looked like the flags layered on top of each other, so I tried fixing it myself. When I go onto my profile now, the flags don't show up for me at all. It seems to work fine when I put in the code here though, so I'm a bit puzzled.

 <div class="text-right w-100" style="position: absolute; top: 83px; right: 8px; max-width: calc(100% - 125px);"> <a style="text-decoration: none;" href=""> <div class="rounded d-inline-block" style="background-image:linear-gradient(#ff8bbf,#ff8bbf 14.3%,#cdf5ff 14.3%,#cdf5ff 28.6%,#9aedff 28.6%,#9aedff 42.9%,#76e0ff 42.9%,#76e0ff 57.2%,#9aedff 57.2%,#9aedff 71.5%,#cdf5ff 71.5%,#cdf5ff 85.8%,#ff8bbf 85.8%);line-height:20px;width:26px;"></div> <div class="rounded d-inline-block" style="background-image:linear-gradient(#000,#000 14.3%,#bcc5c6 14.3%,#bcc5c6 28.6%,#fff 28.6%,#fff 42.9%,#b5f582 42.9%,#b5f582 57.2%,#fff 57.2%,#fff 71.5%,#bcc5c6 71.5%,#bcc5c6 85.8%,#000 85.8%);line-height:20px;width:26px;"></div> </a></div>

Help is greatly appreciated :'0

hi! you've got a couple problems here:

  • your <div>s should be <span>s, this is causing the links to not function properly
  • you've deleted the &nbsp;s, this is causing the flags to have a height of 0 (making them disappear). you can type them in just like that, but they might show up as a bullet point highlighted in red instead once you save the code ('s text parser likes to get silly sometimes)

i don't know what could be causing them to overlap each other. you don't happen to have WYSIWYG on, do you?

(i'm glad you like the code btw! 900584080415002695.webp?size=128&quality)

ah! it worked! i think the issue with the "overlapping" was actually the missing nbsp's; one of them probably had it while the other didn't for whatever reason. it seems to be fine now.

thank you so much and have a great day! :D

no problem, glad i could help!! 💖